0424 408 330
We Will Beat All Quotes By Up To 10%*
No Call Out Fee Conditions apply*
Wall Grinding Sydney
Wall Grinding Sydney’s service includes the whole package. Our highly experienced specialist Dust-Free Wall Grinding team will come to your property, do all the Dust-Free Wall Grinding to remove any slight variations in the concrete slab and remove any glue, paint or epoxy residues so that you have a clean, level and smooth floor. While still maintaining a virtually Dust-Free environment* using the latest, most high-end commercial dust extractors for you free of charge!
We will make sure that your concrete slab is ready for the re-installation of any flooring system, paint, waterproofing membrane or floor levelling agent, then our team will take all the rubbish out to our truck and sweep up as well as vacuum any remaining mess and dust on site all while having the lowest price in Sydney!
Our team will use only the latest high-quality and highly powered Dust-Free Wall Grinding equipment with the latest diamond blade technology. We also connect high-powered commercial dust extractors to our Dust-Free Concrete Grinders to offer you a Dust-Free Wall Grinding experience.*
The Dust-Free Wall Grinding process is also used to level very small highs in concrete slabs up to 3mm, prepare surfaces for the application of floor levelling compounds or to clean up slabs for the re-installation of floor coverings such as Carpet Tiles, Vinyl, Tiles, Timber Flooring, etc as they all need a clean, smooth, and porous slab to bond to.
We are Australia’s #1 Wall Grinding company, we provide more information for our clients than any other website in the world regarding this subject. This page has EVERYTHING you need to know. We also have links to blog posts for further information.
We Will Beat All Of Our Competitors Quotes By Up To 10%*
We Will Never Ever Be Beaten On Price At Dust-Free Dust-Free Wall Grinding Sydney!
We Also Offer Massive Discounts Off Our Normal Advertised Prices If You Have A Large Job!
We’ll Beat All Quotes By Up To 10%*, No Call Out Fee Conditions apply*
We’ll Beat ALL Quotes By Up To 10%
Conditions apply. *Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
Wall Grinding
Wall Grinding
What Is Wall Grinding?
A Hand Grinder can come in many configurations, the most common being a Hand-Held Angle Grinder. This is a specialized tool for countertops or worktops. There are also purpose-built Floor Concrete Grinders and Hand Held Concrete Grinders that are used for Concrete Grinding and Concrete Polishing of marble, granite, and concrete floors.
Dust-Free Wall Grinding using an abrasive tool, like a Walk Behind Concrete Grinder or a Hand Held Concrete Grinder, in combination with a diamond disc or plug attachment combined with a commercial silica dust extractor on rough concrete surfaces to reveal a smooth finish to prepare your concrete to have a new flooring system or coating applied.
Dust-Free Wall Grinding involves using rotating diamond teeth discs on specialized machinery to level, smooth, or clean the surface of a concrete slab to allow the reinstallation of a new flooring system. Or have a clean, level, and smooth concrete floor.
Wall Grinding can be done either wet or dry. At Dust-Free Wall Grinding Sydney, we prefer to grind under dry conditions and use commercial dust extraction equipment to reduce the negative impacts of silica dust on our health while also protecting our clients and their homes.
Wall Grinding Concrete under wet conditions can also stack up massive amounts of disposal charges for “slurry disposal”, increase the time of the job, and force you to delay your future work on the job site as you will need to allow time for your concrete slab to dry as it will have absorbed water.
Our specialist Dust-Free Wall Grinding team uses this process to remove all types of glues (Such as commercial carpet glues that are incredibly strong and hard to remove), paints, sealers, waterproof membranes, and other coatings from the concrete slab, as well as a various few other services.
– We are a fully insured business with worker’s compensation, insured for public liability and all employees have white card health and safety and COVID vaccinations.
– Our highly trained staff will always work in a safe and efficient manner while using high-quality Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Dust Extraction Equipment. Wall Grinding is an effective way to keep a concrete surface durable and long-lasting. Wall Grinding helps create a level floor, which can then be honed and sealed, polished, or coated. Concrete finishing, such as polishing and sealing the floor, has been proven to increase surface longevity dramatically.
It is typical to use a stone or synthetic resin compound in modern properties due to its weatherproofing qualities and resistance to cracking over time. Honing a floor before a final colour coating is applied will help keep the colour even throughout the service life of the floor while also making it more resistant to stains from oil and other liquids. In some cases, it may be better not to add a topcoat ever because honed surfaces are naturally more stain-resistant than polished ones.
Wall Grinding is very beneficial. Wall Grinding is used to smooth rough surfaces and remove coatings such as paint, varnish, and concrete sealers. The Wall Grinding tool or machine slowly shaves off small concrete portions and leaves a smooth surface behind. Wall Grinding is essential to bringing the right look to your workspace. Care must be taken to ensure no harmful silica dust is generated during the Wall Grinding process.
Why Wall Grinding Should Never Be Skipped
Wall Grinding is used to level out bumps and ridges to create a smooth surface where dust, dirt, oil, or other contaminants have less of a chance of remaining trapped deep within the concrete. The exterior concrete flooring can be ground down to become even with the concrete floor below it. It makes it easier to sanitize and keep safe for commercial or industrial use. It also provides a more aesthetically pleasing appearance for interior commercial spaces.
Wall Grinding has several advantages over most other methods of removing materials from surfaces, such as stone polishing, cutting and sawing, milling, and water blasting. Grinding Concrete is considered one of the least invasive methods because no heavy-duty chemicals are involved, nor is there any harmful blasting media such as sand or glass. Instead, the only thing used during Wall Grinding is fine dust created from the Wall Grinding process itself. This dust is then collected and disposed of in an environmentally friendly way.
Wall Grinding can be used for many applications, including removing dirt, paint, oil, overlaying material, and even concrete itself. The process is often used on large-scale projects, or other methods are not suitable or cost-effective. For instance, the method may strip away existing concrete before constructing a new foundation. It may also be used to smooth out surfaces that have been damaged by less precise work processes such as acid washes or sawing and milling operations. Doing so makes it possible for individuals with no heavy-duty construction experience to produce their own resurfaced floors without spending too much time or money doing so.
Benefits of Wall Grinding Concrete
How Much Does Wall Grinding Cost Per Square Metre?
General Grind – $10 – $60 Per Square Metre*
Coating Removal – $10 – $90 Per Square Metre*
How Much Does Wall Grinding Cost Per Square Metre? Wall Grinding costs vary quite a lot from company to company or private contractor to private contractor. Here at Wall Grinding Sydney, we guarantee that we will always be upfront with pricing, with no hidden extras.
On average Wall Grinding Costs $10 – $60 Per Square Metre for jobs that require a General Grind.
On average Wall Grinding Costs $10 – $90 Per Square Metre for jobs that require a Coating Removal.
These are the factors that we take into account when quoting:
– How many square metres require Wall Grinding
– How many MM may need to be ground down
– The condition of the concrete that requires Wall Grinding
– What service is required (Removal? General Grind? Coating Removal?)
– Access to the site (Stairwell? > Lift?)
– What level is the property on?
– What level of power can be provided? (10AMP > 15AMP OR 3PHASE)
Other Wall Grinding contractors and Wall Grinding companies that Grind Concrete do not meet the standards that we do at Wall Grinding Sydney. We use only the highest quality products that are available on the market.
Here at Wall Grinding Sydney, we come in and do a swift Floor Preparation and Concrete Grinding service for all of our clients. We Concrete Grind and Prime all floors before Floor Levelling to ensure a flawless installation without failure.
– The main deciding factor is ‘What Service Is Required’. For example, a simple light grind will be far cheaper than removing a thick Waterproof Coating.
How Much Does Commercial Wall Grinding Cost Per Square Metre
General Grind – $5 – $15 Per Square Metre*
Coating Removal – $5 – $20 Per Square Metre*
Commercial Wall Grinding clients will receive larger discounts depending on how large the area is and what we are removing from the concrete. Here at Wall Grinding Sydney, we guarantee that we will always be upfront with pricing, with no hidden extras.
On average Commercial Wall Grinding Costs $5 – $15 Per Square Metre* for jobs that require a General Grind.*
On average Commercial Wall Grinding Costs $5 – $20 Per Square Metre* for jobs that require Coating Removals.*
These prices may vary depending on a large range of factors though, so please only use this as a general guide.
Click here for a further understanding of “How Much Does Concrete Grinding Cost“
These are the factors that we take into account when quoting:
– How many square metres require Wall Grinding
– How many MM may need to be ground down
– The condition of the concrete that requires Wall Grinding
– What service is required (General Grind? Coating Removal?)
– Access to the site (Stairwell? > Lift?)
– What level is the property on?
– What level of power can be provided? (10AMP > 15AMP OR 3PHASE)
– The main deciding factor is ‘What Service Is Required’. For example, a simple light grind will be far cheaper than removing a thick Waterproof Coating.
How Much Does It Cost To Wall Grinding Glue Residue On Your Stairs?
Stairs – $20 – $40 Per Step*
Landings – $40 – $80 Per Landing*
On average Wall Grinding Stairs Costs $20 – $40 Per Step for jobs that require Wall Grinding.
On average Wall Grinding Landings Costs $40 – $80 Per Landing for jobs that require Wall Grinding.
These are the factors that we take into account when quoting:
– How many steps and landings require Wall Grinding
– The size of the steps (Extra Wide or Extra Long Steps may increase the prices listed above)
– How thick the coating is on the stairs
– The condition of the concrete that requires Wall Grinding
– What service is required (Removal? General Grind? Coating Removal?)
– What level of power can be provided? (10AMP > 15AMP OR 3PHASE)
– Access to the site (Stairwell? > Lift?)
– How many MM may need to be ground down
These prices may vary depending on a large range of factors though, so please only use this as a general guide.
– The main deciding factor is ‘What Service Is Required’. For example, a simple light grind will be far cheaper than removing a thick Waterproof Coating.
How Much Does It Cost To Wall Grinding Skirtings?
$10 – $60 Per Metre*
– Wall Grinding – Skirting = $10 – $60 / Per Metre*
– General Grind, Glued, Epoxy, Waterproofed, Painted, ETC
On average Wall Grinding Skirtings Costs $10 – $30 Per Metre for jobs that require a General Grind.
On average Wall Grinding Skirtings Costs $10 – $60 Per Metre for jobs that require a Coating Removal.
These are the factors that we take into account when quoting:
– How many metres require Wall Grinding
– What is the height of the skirtings that we need to grind
– The size of the skirtings
– How thick the coating is on the skirtings
– The condition of the concrete that requires Wall Grinding
– What service is required (Removal? General Grind? Coating Removal?)
– What level of power can be provided? (10AMP > 15AMP OR 3PHASE)
– Access to the site (Stairwell? > Lift?)
– How many MM may need to be ground down
These prices may vary depending on a large range of factors though, so please only use this as a general guide.
– The main deciding factor is ‘What Service Is Required’. For example, a simple light grind will be far cheaper than removing a thick Waterproof Coating.
Disposal Of All Silica Dust Bags – Commercial & Industrial Jobs
$0 – $300 (Depending on job size)
Here at Wall Grinding Sydney, we take all your rubbish away with us for disposal at your local resource management centre (recycling whenever possible). This saves our clients hundreds of dollars in hiring skip bins, as well as the frustration of the whole process of hiring one and having to have a skip bin sit in your front yard for days. Most Wall Grinding jobs will have no disposal of waste cost, but some may. The deciding factor is (How many square metres require Wall Grinding is the deciding factor on your disposal of waste charge as the larger the job, the more silica dust bags will be produced. Most jobs will have no disposal fee.)
View Our Floor Levelling Page For More Information
View Our Concrete Grinding Page For More Information
View Our Floor Preparation Blog Post For More Information
What Concrete Grinding Services Do We Offer?
At Concrete Grinding Sydney, we offer over 60 different Concrete Grinding services. Please view the list below of the Concrete Grinding services that we offer.
Please note:
That all of the hyperlinks in ‘ORANGE‘ are hyperlinks to the page related to that service.
While all of the hyperlinks in ‘BLACK‘ do not have hyperlinks to any page but they are still services that we offer.
Concrete Grinding – (3MM MAX)
Coating Removal – (6MM MAX)
Bump Removal – (8MM MAX)
Coating Removal – Double Layer – (12MM MAX)
Concrete Scarification – (6MM / PER PASS)
Concrete Shotblasting – (10MM / PER PASS)
Stencil Concrete Removal
Stamped Concrete Removal
Spraycrete Removal
Concrete Overlay Removal
Decorative Concrete Removal
CoverCrete Removal
Waterproofing Membrane Removal (ALL TYPES)
Rooftop Waterproofing Membrane Removal (ALL TYPES)
Epoxy Flooring/Coating Removal (ALL TYPES)
Line Marking Removal (ALL TYPES)
Paint On Concrete Removal (ALL TYPES)
Tactile Coating/Paint Removal
Thermoplastic Paint Removal
Spray Paint Removal
Glue Residue Removal (ALL TYPES)
Adhesive Removal (ALL TYPES)
Thinset Glue Removal
Tile Grout Removal
Urethane Wood Adhesive (Applied over concrete ONLY)
All Other Timber/Wood Adhesives (Applied over concrete ONLY)
Mastic Glue Removal (NON-ASBESTOS ONLY)
High Build Glue Removal
Pressure Sensitive Glue Removal
Polyurethane Glue Removal
Urethane or Wood Glue Removal
Acrylic Glue Removal
Water-Based Glue Removal
Solvent-Based Glue Removal
Epoxy Glue Removal
Expose Aggregate
Restore Rain Damaged Concrete Slabs
Restore Old Concrete Slabs
Oil, Grease & Tyemark Stain Removal
Trip Hazard Removal
Burnished Concrete Removal
Dyed Concrete Removal
Stained Concrete Removal
Concrete Sealer Removal
Resin Flooring / Screed / Coating Removal
Graffiti Removal
Ardit/Ardex/Screed Removal
Residue Removal (ALL TYPES)
Removal of Cement Based Bedding
Removal of Sand & Cement Bedding
Cement Residue Removal
Magnesite Residue Removal
Polyurethane Coating Removal
Screed Residue Removal
Elastomeric Coating Removal
Ucrete Coating Removal
Hycrete Coating Removal
Flowcrete Coating Removal
Flowfresh Coating Removal
Polyurethane (PU) Cement Removal
Polyurethane (PU) Screed Removal
Polyurethane (PU) Resin Screed Removal
Hand Grinding
Hand Grinding – Stairs
Wall Grinding
Wall Grinding – Skirting Boards (Tiled, Epoxy, Waterproofed, ETC)
Is Wall Grinding Required?
Sometimes, after certain flooring systems (such as Tiles) or coatings (such as Epoxy or Waterproof Membranes), and the skirting boards have been removed, there may be some form of residue left on your wall’s skirting area. This residue must be removed before the re-installation of any coating or new skirting board system. Our team will remove all residue with the use of a high-powered Dust-Free Hand Grinder.
Click Here To Learn More About Why Wall Grinding Is Required
The Dangers Of Silica Dust In The Wall Grinding Industry
In our workplace, we hang a “Silica Dust Warning Sign” to let our clients know that it is not safe to enter this working area while we are Wall Grinding without wearing the appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) that our employees are wearing. Even though we are using high-powered dust extractors to handle the silica dust that our Hand Grinder produces, small amounts may still escape from our Wall Grinding and enter the air. This is why our employees wear P2 dust masks.
Please do not ever attempt to enter the workspace without a P2 dust mask while our employees are Wall Grinding during your job. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Some dust particles can be so small that they are not visible; these are referred to as respirable particles. Respirable silica dust particles are those that are small enough to breathe in and penetrate deep into the lungs causing permanent damage that can lead to serious illness or death. Silica dust is also linked to the development of auto-immune disorders and chronic renal (kidney) disease.
Crystalline silica dust can be harmful when it’s inhaled into your lungs over a long period at low to moderate levels, or short periods at high levels.
When crystalline silica dust is inhaled, it can cause silicosis, a scarring of the lungs. Silicosis is a serious and incurable disease, with symptoms including shortness of breath, coughing, fatigue, and weight loss. In severe cases, the damage caused to the lungs by silicosis can require a lung transplant or may lead to death. Silica dust is harmful when inhaled into your lungs. As it is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand, you can be breathing it in without knowing.
Breathing in silica dust can also cause other serious diseases, such as:
– Lung Cancer
– Kidney Disease
– Autoimmune Diseases, such as Scleroderma
Construction and demolition employees can be at especially high risk of developing these diseases.
Can You Grind A Uneven Slab?
Yes, we can grind an uneven concrete surface to level it (depending on the variations). Our professional Wall Grinding team can quickly identify raised areas, often by pouring water on the floor or using laser measuring devices. Once these areas have been identified, our team will use a Hand Grinder to create a smooth, clean, and level surface.
If your concrete slab has variations larger than 3mm this may affect our ability to be able to successfully leave a smooth, clean, and level surface. A standard Hand Grinder that works on residential power (240V) can only grind up to 3MM variations in your concrete slab. Variations larger than that need to be fixed with:
– Floor Levelling Compounds
– Concrete Scarifiers
– Concrete Shot Blasters
– High Powered Concrete Grinders (15AMP or 3PHASE)
How Deep Can We Grind With A Concrete Grinder?
The Wall Grinding process is also used to level very small highs in concrete slabs up to 3 MM, grind expansion joints level, and prepare surfaces for the application of levelling compound or for the re-installation of floor coatings or floor coverings such as Carpet Tiles, Vinyl, Tiles, Timber Flooring as they all need a clean smooth and porous slab to bond too.
Hand Grinders often only remove a thin layer of material from the surface of workpieces per pass. Typically, diamond grinding tools only remove between 0.25 MM to 0.50 MM of material for a maximum of 3 MM.
Industrial or heavy-duty Concrete Grinders with correct diamond tooling or other tooling can grind depths of up to 6 MM of material from the workpiece.
After this point, a ‘Concrete Scarifier‘ or ‘Concrete Shotblaster‘ must be used to get further depth
Regarding how many MM can be taken off, please follow the guide below:
Wall Grinding – Residential – (3MM MAX)
Wall Grinding – Commercial – (6MM MAX)
Coating Removal – (6MM MAX)
Bump Removal – (8MM MAX)
Coating Removal – Double Layer – (12MM MAX)
Why Is Wall Grinding Important?
Wall Grinding is important before almost any flooring system being installed (apart from the carpet), floorboards, tiles, vinyl, lino, slate, epoxy, paint, waterproofing membranes, parquet, floor levelling agents, etc., being installed. will all require Wall Grinding before installation.
The concrete beneath can be rough and uneven and even have paint, epoxies, glues, cement residues, bumps, or other residues left on it. Making installing various flooring or paints, epoxies, etc., on top impossible (or fail quickly)
This is why the contractor/business who is installing your new flooring system, floor levelling agent, or coatings. Contractors and businesses will refuse to give you any warranty on the job unless you have your concrete ground first.
Once Wall Grinding has taken place and the smooth surface is revealed, installing any alternative flooring option is easy.
Preparing the floors before the application of a new flooring system, epoxy, or paint is the single biggest way to ensure the longevity of your new flooring system or coating. It is especially important if the floors are going to be polished, as the quality of the concrete will show through.
What Is A Hand Grinder?
A Hand Grinder can come in many configurations, the most common being a hand-held Hand Grinder or hand-held Angle Grinder and A Hand Held Concrete Grinder but it may be a specialized tool for countertops or worktops. Angle Grinders and Hand Grinders are small and mobile and allow one to work on harder-to-reach areas and perform more precise work.
There are also small, medium, and large walk-behind Concrete Grinders for tackling larger projects. There is even riding on Concrete Grinders for industrial projects.
All Concrete Grinders use some sort of abrasive to grind or polish, such as diamond tools or silicon carbide. The diamond tools used for grinding most commonly are diamond grinding cup wheels, other machines may use diamond segments, mounted on various plates, slide-on diamond grinding shoes, and for polishing are usually circular Resin diamond polishing pads.
The use of diamond attachments is the most common type of abrasive used under concrete grinders and comes in many grits that range from 16 grit to the high thousands, although 3,000 grit is considered by the industry as the highest shine possible to apply to a floor surface.
Is A Concrete Grinder Worth It?
A Concrete Grinder is an ideal solution for concrete restoration projects like removing coatings, residue, stains, and other unsightly imperfections. You may also use a concrete grinder to even out a surface or prepare the concrete for an overlaying finish.
Concrete Grinders, Concrete Scarifiers, and Shot Blasters prepare concrete surfaces, but they operate differently to deliver various results. A Concrete Grinder is an excellent choice for smaller projects because it can remove shallow layers of concrete while providing enough precision and smoothing abilities to polish surfaces or remove coatings as well as to prepare the surface for reapplication of Flooring Systems, Coatings and Floor Levelling Compounds.
Why Do I Need Wall Grinding?
Why do you need Dust-Free Wall Grinding? Wall Grinding is used for a large range of different reasons. Wall Grinding can enhance safety by transforming a rough and damaged floor into a smooth, hard surface, reducing the risk of injury for homeowners and visitors. Additionally, when applied to driveways, it can create a quieter and more slip-resistant surface for vehicles.
If you are looking to lay any floor covering to a concrete slab, you must first check that the concrete slab is clean, perfectly level with no minor bumps (even 0.1mm can be an issue), and ready for the installation of the new flooring system that you have chosen EVERY flooring system except for carpet will require “Floor Preparation” before installing your new flooring system (Excluding carpet).
Your new flooring system needs a clean, smooth, and porous slab to bond to. Any glue or cement residue or any minor bumps in the slab left between the concrete will affect the quality and durability of the new floor covering that is being installed and may result in the flooring system that you are installing failing.
Floor installers (all major companies) will not give you a warranty or simply won’t do your project if you haven’t had the Dust-Free Concrete Grinder come in to clean up your concrete slab as they won’t be able to give you a warranty on installing your new flooring system. Dust-Free Wall Grinding is necessary to remove any glue residue and to level your floor to enable a clean installation of your new flooring system.
Dust-Free Wall Grinding is also necessary to remove any trip hazards if you wish to use a concrete slab as your subfloor. It is especially important if the floors are going to be polished, as the quality of the concrete will show through.
Dust-Free Wall Grinding the floors before the application of tiles, floorboards, vinyl, lino, slate, pebblecrete, parquet, laminate, epoxy, waterproofing membranes, floor levelling products, paint, etc., is the single biggest way to ensure the longevity of the floors as well as to ensure that you get your warranty from the installer/company that you chose to install your flooring system.
If you “skip“ the process of “Floor preparation” by not doing Wall Grinding, companies have the right to NOT give you any warranty on the installation of their flooring system that they have installed. So if it fails within even 7 days, it is YOUR issue and not theirs, and you will NOT get a refund / free repair/replacement or anything like that, so you could end up wasting tens of thousands of dollars purchasing and installing your new flooring system, only to have it fail within a short period because you chose to skip the Wall Grinding or floor levelling (also known as floor preparation) process. This is why “Floor preparation” is so important.
The team we provide for you are experts in their field at removing floor coverings, adhesives, and compounds that make the surface uneven and difficult to reinstall a new underlay or flooring system too.
Our service is designed to provide a completely smooth and clean surface for our customers to do what they want. Our friendly team of experts is ready to assess your situation and consult with you on the best way to proceed with your Grinding Concrete Floor project.
How Does Wall Grinding Work?
Wall Grinding is usually carried out by large floor grinding machines that have diamond-encrusted cup wheels installed on a spinning disc. These diamonds make contact with the concrete at high speeds and gradually grind down the concrete.
There are many different types of diamond cup wheels, which will have various effects. Generally, cup wheels are measured in grits. The higher the grit ratio, the finer finish it will leave on the concrete. For a more polished effect, a cup wheel with a high grit ratio would be used.
What Is Wall Grinding Used For?
Wall Grinding removes irregularities and imperfections from a concrete surface using an abrasive tool with a diamond attachment. This may include levelling and flattening the surface for enhanced durability. With Hand Grinders, you can quickly level and smooth a rough surface.
Over time, concrete floors become scratched, and the coatings wear off and delaminate, impacting the floor’s smooth surface. Because the concrete further down might still be of good quality, Wall Grinding Concrete is the best way to improve the appearance of your concrete floor. The Wall Grinding procedure removes the damaged top layer of a concrete floor or coating, leaving a brand-new surface ready for the re-installation of a new coating, flooring system, or polished concrete floor.
– Remove old floor coatings and old flooring surfaces, including old paint or glue
– Prepare the surface for polishing, staining, or re-coating
– Create a level flooring surface to allow the re-installation of a new flooring system
Use Wall Grinding to remove all imperfections and inconsistencies in your concrete floor to gain a smooth and usable surface. Restore old and worn concrete slabs to their former glory.
Wall Grinding removes paint, epoxies, and other coatings from concrete floors. The Concrete Grinder rubs against the top layer of the floor, leaving nothing behind but a smooth, good-as-new surface.
Wall Grinding can be seen as Floor Preparation when you’re looking to install flooring options such as carpets or tiles.
– We use Wall Grinding equipment to remove coatings such as (but not limited to):
– Stencil Concrete Removal
– Stamped Concrete Removal
– Spraycrete Removal
– Paint On Concrete Removal
– Oil, Grease & Tyemark Stains
– Waterproofing Membrane Removal (All Types)
– Rooftop Waterproofing Membrane Removal (All Types)
– Tile Grout Removal
– Glue Residue Removal (All Types)
– Expose Aggregate
– Epoxy Flooring/Coating Removal (All Types)
– Resin Flooring / Screed / Coating – Removal
– Magnesite Residue Removal
– Adhesive Removal
– Polyurethane Coating Removal
– Spray Paint Removal
– Graffiti Removal
– Concrete Sealer Removal
– Burnished Concrete Removal
– Dyed Concrete Removal
– Line Marking Removal (All Types)
– Tactile Coating/Paint Removal
Click here for a further understanding of why Wall Grinding is required
What You Need To Know About Wall Grinding
Wall Grinding is extensively used because the concrete beneath your old flooring system can be rough and uneven, have a lot of glue & adhesive residue left on it from the previous floor installation system that was removed, and even have paint or epoxies on it. Making installing various flooring on top of it difficult or impossible without the new floor failing.
It is extremely important to remove any adhesive previously laid on the floor as well as make it clean, level, and smooth before you reinstall a new flooring system to make sure that your new flooring system is installed correctly.
Wall Grinding will always produce a large amount of very hazardous dust, which is why specialized equipment is needed to reduce the risk and damage to your health as well as the workspace. Our team uses the highest quality personal protective equipment as well as dust extraction equipment to offer a near-dustless workplace experience*.
Our team of Dust-Free Wall Grinding professionals has years of experience in Dust-Free Wall Grinding. We use high-quality safety equipment and specialized tools to get the best results when completing the task of removing adhesives, levelling your concrete floor, and getting your job done as quickly as possible.
Why Is A Wall Grinding Service Necessary?
Many commercial facilities and residential homes use concrete flooring these days instead of hardwood, laminate, tile, or vinyl. Some common places where Polished Concrete is being used are retail stores, office buildings, car dealership showrooms, warehouses, hotels, and restaurants. There are a few reasons for this:
– Wall Grinding your concrete slab to maximize the life of your new flooring system or paint, epoxy, waterproofing membranes, etc
Before the application of tiles, hardwood, vinyl, lino, carpet tiles & direct stick carpets, epoxies, stencil concrete, waterproofing membranes, paints, etc… Wall Grinding Concrete is the single biggest way to ensure the longevity of the new installation, applying a new glue to old glue, for example, will almost always fail within a short period, but if you remove the old glue, the flooring system would last 10-25x longer instead.
– Wall Grinding can be used to level your concrete floor and remove minor bumps.
Wall Grinding Concrete is used to “level” your concrete slab before installing your new flooring system as some flooring systems cannot be installed on uneven concrete slabs such as vinyl, lino, laminate, floorboards, tiles, etc.
– Wall Grinding can be used to remove old glue, tile residues, paint on concrete, epoxy floor removal, or waterproofing membrane removal before attempting to install new glue, paint, epoxy, waterproofing membranes, tiles, flooring systems, or Floor Leveling agent. Otherwise, the new one will not bond correctly and will fail quickly after installation.
Its also important to remove any previous glue, cement, paint, waterproofing, epoxy (etc.) residues on your concrete slab before re-applying any or before re-installing anything onto a concrete slab that will need to “bond” to the concrete slab as it will not bond correctly to an old coating of glue or paint or tile screed or cement residues, which is why it should be removed with Wall Grinding so a new layer of paint or glue can be applied for example.
– Floor installers and floor installing companies have the right not to give you a warranty or simply will not do your project if you haven’t had the Concrete Grinder Service come in to clean up your concrete slab.
As they won’t be able to give you any warranty on installing your new flooring system, epoxy, paint, waterproofing membrane, etc., which will often result in a “fair trading dispute” between the client and the installer or the company selling and installing the product due to the high chance of the installation failing quickly.
They will often demand you Concrete Grind your slab to ensure that their installation holds up to the warranty that they are providing you as well as to make sure that it follows the guidelines of the installations recommended by the companies that produce the products that they install, incorrectly installing a flooring system or other product will often lead to quick failure of the system if Wall Grinding has been skipped, this is why no warranty will be given, or they will refuse to take on your project.
– Wall Grinding is also used to remove any trip hazards. This is extremely important in workplaces, and your home as well as to reduce any accidents from ever happening which may result in injuries!
– Wall Grinding is often used to remove trip hazards; this is a simple solution to prevent a dangerous accident from occurring, such as someone hitting their head in your workplace by accident.
– Polished Concrete is easy to clean and a simple solution for commercial areas.
It is a great option for people with allergies, as concrete doesn’t harbour dust and dirt. All that is needed is weekly mopping with soapy water. Concrete can be polished as well to help with these issues, so Wall Grinding is required before Concrete Polishing It costs less long-term to maintain than other floor coverings.
A concrete floor that has been Polished and maintained through the years can last a century or more. Polished Concrete also never has to be waxed. Highly Polished Concrete can reduce energy demands because a Polished Concrete Floor can hold indoor temperatures longer.
– Concrete can be decorative. The use of concrete isn’t just a medium for construction these days. You can add texture and colours to concrete to make it look like brick, stone, slate, and other flooring products such as Stencil Concrete, Epoxy Flooring as well as Polished Concrete
What Are The Advantages Of Grinding Concrete?
– Restore Concrete Surfaces
Grinding Concrete removes all imperfections and inconsistencies in the concrete, resulting in a smooth and usable surface. Old and damaged concrete surfaces can be restored to their former glory and used for years and years to come.
– Remove Paint, Epoxies, Dirt, Glue Residue, Waterproofing Membranes, Adhesives & Sealers
Grinding Concrete removes paint, epoxies, dirt, glue residue, waterproofing membranes, adhesives & sealers, and other remnants left on the concrete. The Concrete Grinder rubs against the top layer of the floor, leaving a smooth surface.
– Easily Install New Flooring Systems Without Failure (Tiles, Floorboards, Carpets, Vinyl, Lino, etc.)
Once the Wall Grinding has been completed and the smooth surface is left, any type of flooring option can be installed with ease. Floor preparation is key to the longevity of any kind of flooring option.
– Perfect For Warehouses, Shops, Offices, etc.
Wall Grinding is perfect for warehouses that need a flawlessly smooth finish. Wall Grinding Concrete ensures that the floors are in perfect working condition. It ensures not only the longevity of the floor but also its durability has given the high-traffic nature of a warehouse, shop, or office.
Here at Wall Grinding Sydney We Educate Our Clients
Unlike our competitors, here at Wall Grinding Sydney, we provide information for our clients to ensure they understand the process and pricing and to ensure there are no surprises. We have more content on our website, our service pages, and blog posts than any other company in Sydney.
We are Sydney’s largest Wall Grinding company that completes tens of thousands of square metres of Wall Grinding projects every year and is trusted by the largest of companies and STRATAs throughout Sydney.
Is There Magnesite Flooring In Your Property?
If your home was built in the 1920s – 1980s, likely, your home (Especially unit blocks in NSW) could potentially have Magnesite Flooring. Magnesite is present below a flooring system such as carpet. Magnesite is a product used as a noise preventative and a Floor Levelling agent.
Magnesite Flooring absorbs moisture (particularly in areas prone to moisture such as external walls, doorways, around shower recesses, near windows, laundries, etc.) Unfortunately, once Magnesite Flooring absorbs moisture it starts a chemical reaction that will cause Concrete Cancer over long periods.
Because your Magnesite Flooring was laid 40 – 100 years ago, it has likely absorbed moisture over the many decades that it has been trapped under your flooring system and it has most likely started to break down and lose its strength making it an unsuitable Floor Levelling product that it once was, as well as very hollow, which destroys its soundproofing.
The best thing you can do to prevent further damage to your property and the concrete slab is to remove it ASAP. Magnesite Flooring consists of Magnesium Oxychloride, which may contain asbestos.
Since it is a health hazard and a major safety risk in NSW, if you remove your flooring system and find out there is Magnesite under it.
YOU MUST remove your Magnesite Flooring for the safety of you and everyone else in your unit block.
Strata may pay to remove your Magnesite Flooring as it is considered “Common property”. Magnesite Flooring can cause Concrete Cancer which is a major risk to everyone’s safety as well as the successful reinstallation of your new flooring system.
NO company will give you any form of warranty or insurance on any flooring installation job on a magnesite floor, which is another reason why it should always be removed.
Click Here To View Our Magnesite Flooring Removal Page
Where Can We Provide Wall Grinding Services?
Here at Wall Grinding Sydney, we specialise in Wall Grinding from ANY location. Such as:
– Residential Properties
– Commercial Properties
– Industrial Properties
– STRATA Properties
– Government Properties
– Flat Areas (Outside)
– Flat Areas (Inside)
– Verandahs
– Balconies
– Hallways
– Walls
– Garages
– Driveways
– Pillars
– Bathrooms
– Bedrooms
– Laundries
– Planter Boxes
– Patio Areas
– Kitchens
– Rooftops
– Fountains
– Spas
– Stairs
– Pool Stairs
– Around A Pool
– Olympic Pools
– Inside A Pool (Low Depth Only)
– Luxury Indoor Pools (Low Depth Only)
– Skirting Boards (Normal)
– Skirting Boards (Unit Block Walls)
How Long Does Wall Grinding Take?
Most Wall Grinding jobs can be completed within 1-2 days (depending on the size of the job and service required)
Jobs that are 0 – 250 square metres will generally be completed in ONE DAY
Jobs that are 250 – 1,000 square metres or more will generally be completed in TWO DAYS or more
Jobs that are 1,000 – 30,000 square metres or more will generally be completed over SEVERAL WEEKS or more
Is Wall Grinding Dangerous?
Yes, Wall Grinding is dangerous.
Wall Grinding without the correct PPE and power tools/equipment will create a harmful silica dust environment; it’s also possible to be injured by tools as well as injured from the Wall Grinding process.
– SERIOUS INJURIES: Sometimes, Tiny pieces of Concrete can go flying in the air during the Wall Grinding process; this can accidentally hit your eye, causing serious damage, if not blindness. The tools required to perform this task are also dangerous to use for people who are not highly skilled in using these tools.
– ACCIDENTAL INJURIES: It’s easy to look up a guide on what tools to use, but injuries often occur from a lack of knowledge of how to use these tools safely.
– PERMANENT LUNG DAMAGE: Inhaling dangerous silica dust by not using the correct PPE and Dust Extractors can be deadly.
The longer silicosis goes without treatment, the more likely it is to develop a complication. Because the disease affects the immune system, silicosis patients are vulnerable to developing tuberculosis, lung cancer, COPD, and kidney disease.
- Lung Cancer.
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Kidney Disease.
- Autoimmune Disease.
Breathing in very small (“respirable”) crystalline silica particles, causes multiple diseases, including silicosis, an incurable lung disease that leads to disability and death. Respirable crystalline silica also causes lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and kidney disease.
Click Here To Learn More About The Dangers Of Silica Dust
Why Do I Need A Professional For Wall Grinding?
– SPEED: Hiring a professional company to provide a Wall Grinding service is incredibly faster than attempting to do the project yourself.
– COST: Here at Wall Grinding Sydney, we have very reasonable prices and offer a Price Beat Guarantee. We can often complete your project for a fair price compared to the costs of attempting to remove the Wall Grinding yourself. When it comes to larger Wall Grinding jobs, it will always be cheaper to leave it up to the professionals at Wall Grinding Sydney!
– READY: Rather than slowly completing your job on your hands and knees, we can complete your project within a short period to ensure that your home is ready for the next part of your renovation project.
How Does Wall Grinding Work?
1) Our team will provide you with a free quote for Dust-Free Wall Grinding.
2) Our team will come to your property and provide our Wall Grinding service on-site.
3) Our team will clean your property.
4) Our team will take all silica dust bags to a disposal centre.
5) Our team will evaluate your concrete to see if any Concrete Cancer Repairs, Concrete Crack Repairs, or Floor Levelling is required.
9) Finally! We have completed your job! and your property is ready for the re-installation of a new Coating or Flooring System.
Is Wall Grinding Hard?
Yes, Wall Grinding can be a difficult and time-consuming project, and the challenges often remain hidden until the project is underway. Depending on the installation method and how the flooring system or coating has been installed.
If you have a Wall Grinding job that is over 10 square metres, it is considered a hard task that will be expensive and frustrating to attempt to do yourself. It’s often cheaper to hire a Wall Grinding contractor than to hire the tools, PPE, and other equipment required to attempt the project yourself.
There are several different installation methods when it comes to flooring systems and a huge range of different factors when it comes to floor coatings. We only recommend attempting Wall Grinding yourself if the project is under 10 square metres and you have the appropriate tools, PPE, and dust extraction equipment.
Wall Grinding equipment can be incredibly hard and frustrating to use. At Wall Grinding Sydney our team has specialised for years in the field of Wall Grinding Concrete.
Wall Grinding is normally best left up to a specialist team, such as ourselves, with the proper knowledge and equipment to do the job correctly while ensuring a smooth result and making sure the job is done correctly.
Floor Coatings can have a huge range of different factors which can make it more difficult or easier to remove. Wall Grinding is one of the most difficult services. Wall Grinding can be incredibly hard to learn and incredibly dangerous without the proper Hand Grinder and safety equipment.
Even if you head down to your local shop and hire a powerful Concrete Grinder. If you get the wrong diamond and you are not educated on how to use the equipment, you could end up spending a huge amount of time and thousands of dollars by mistake while attempting to do the project yourself.
Even if you do remove the coating, you may have ruined your concrete slab in the process and end up spending more money than if you hired a professional Wall Grinding expert.
We’ll get your job done in one day, quote your job all over the phone, and the job will be Dust-Free, all while keeping our prices below our competitors while maintaining the highest standard possible! It doesn’t get much better than that!
For jobs over the size of 10 square metres, we ALWAYS recommend leaving it up to the professionals.
Contact Us Now For A Free Quote!
What Is The Easiest Way To Grind Concrete?
Simply contacting a professional company to provide the service for you will take the stress away, and be fast, efficient, and clean.
Contact Us Now For A Free Quote!
Is Wall Grinding Required Before I Install A New Coating Or Flooring System?
Yes, Wall Grinding should always occur before the installation of a new Coating or Flooring System. The appropriate Floor Preparation before installing the new Coating or Flooring System system is also required.
To install a new Coating or Flooring System, you must ensure the following:
1) The previous Flooring System or Coating has been removed
2) All residue from the previous Flooring System or Coating has been removed
3) The appropriate floor preparation has been applied
– Concrete Cancer Repairs
– Concrete Crack Repairs
– Concrete Grinding
– Floor Levelling
Click Here To Learn More About Why Floor Preparation Is Required
What Is The Fastest Way To Grind Concrete?
Ride-On Concrete Grinders:
Ride-on Concrete Grinders are simply the easiest and best way to Grind Concrete. Although this equipment is best left up to the professionals to use. Leaving the Wall Grinding project up to the professionals is simply the fastest way to finish your Wall Grinding project.
Our specialised equipment, such as ride-on concrete grinders, is the fastest way to Grind Concrete, although they are mostly only used in a commercial setting that has easy access or can be craned up and doesn’t require the job to be Dust-Free.
If ride-on Concrete Grinders are not an option, our team has the highest quality and most expensive Wall Grinding equipment, such as remote-controlled concrete grinders, dual and quad-head concrete grinders and high-powered Hand Grinders. They are easily able to Grind Concrete without the need for a ride-on Concrete Grinder.
Do We Specialise In Wall Grinding?
Yes, Here at Wall Grinding Sydney, we specialise in Dust-Free Wall Grinding. Wall Grinding has become our most popular service.
Our Dust-Free Wall Grinding team grinds tens of thousands of square metres of concrete every year! We are Sydney’s most well-known Wall Grinding company. You won’t find a better team in Sydney for your project! We are Sydney’s #1 Wall Grinding company.
What Is The Best Tool For Concrete Grinding?
When it comes to tools for Wall Grinding, it’s best that you stick to three options for residential jobs. Hand Grinders, Walk Behind, and Remote Controlled Concrete Grinders. While on commercial jobs, we use Ride-On Concrete Grinders and larger Concrete Grinders if possible.
- RESIDENTIAL: Walk Behind or Remote Controlled Concrete Grinders and Hand Grinders
- COMMERCIAL: Hand Grinders, Walk Behind, Remote Controlled, Dual Head, Quad Head, Ride-On Concrete Grinders, Concrete Scarifiers, and Shot Blasters
Do You Offer Discounts For Larger Wall Grinding Jobs?
Yes, we offer large discounts for larger Wall Grinding jobs while Removing Coatings. We Will NEVER Be Beaten On Price. we will always have the lowest and most competitive prices for all Wall Grinding jobs!
We Are Happy To Beat Competitor’s Quotes By Up To 10%!
Please visit our Commercial Wall Grinding page for more information on our discount prices for larger areas.
Can You Work After Hours While Wall Grinding?
Yes, our Dust-Free Wall Grinding specialist team can work:
– Any Day
– Anytime
– 24 Hours A Day
– 7 Days A Week
– 365 Days A Year
Our team can work at any time that suits our clients while Wall Grinding. If you have time restrictions, noise restrictions, or any other restrictions or deadlines, we can make sure that we can fit them into your schedule to make sure that your job is completed in the time frame needed while still maintaining the highest quality of work standards at any time that you desire with NO additional charges!
Why Choose Wall Grinding Sydney Over Our Competitors?
Cleaner Wall Grinding
Dust extraction equipment that is plugged directly into the tool will stop dust from spreading throughout your property, especially in hard-to-clean areas.
Wall Grinding Sydney utilizes a Dust-Free Wall Grinding system. Our specialty equipment is top-of-the-line and state-of-the-art. The equipment we use does not require the installation of plastic room containment systems, which sets us apart from other competitors.
The difference shows itself in how our equipment functions. By suctioning the dust directly from the flooring as it is removed, our equipment prevents this dust from ever becoming airborne. Because airborne dust has always been one of the major concerns with Wall Grinding, replacement, and renovation projects, our specialized technology and Dust-Free equipment are cleaner and more environmentally friendly than traditional Wall Grinding.
Faster Wall Grinding
Our equipment is also faster and stronger than other Wall Grinding companies. Our equipment is stronger and more durable than other Wall Grinding tools and technologies, which means the actual work of the Wall Grinding goes faster.
Cleanup after the Wall Grinding is also a breeze. The lack of airborne dust and debris means projects can move forward in less time, bringing our clients into the installation phase of their renovation. Our equipment also leaves behind a flatter and cleaner subsurface. This means there is less preparation work needed on the actual concrete base material before the new coating can be installed.
Affordable and Efficient Wall Grinding
Utilizing a cleaner, faster, more efficient set of equipment, our Wall Grinding team can save you time and money. Our affordable services will help you undertake your project while still staying within budget. Our clients save time by using our services to ensure they can get to the next part of their project on time without delays.
What Does Grit Mean For Wall Grinding?
One critical factor in achieving a successful Wall Grinding job is choosing the right diamond grit size. Diamond grit size refers to the size of the diamond particles embedded in the grinding tools. It plays a crucial role in determining the efficiency, speed, and quality of the grinding process.
The final piece of the puzzle is GRIT. Grit is generally the easiest component of the disc/plug to understand. Grit is used as a reference to describe the finishing qualities of the diamond disc/plug. The lower the number, the larger the piece of diamond (coarser grit). The higher the number, the smaller the piece of diamond (finer grit). Just like sandpaper, as the grit becomes smaller, the finish becomes smoother. Generally, in Wall Grinding, 30 or 40 grit is about the coarsest required (Usually, 60-80 grit discs/plugs are used in the process of concrete polishing and not Wall Grinding)
Most diamonds are #16 grit – Which is very aggressive for cleaning up concrete slabs.
But they go all the way up to #3,000 grit – Which is for very fine polishing of concrete slabs.
You will mostly use #16 & #30 grit – For removal and prep work on concrete, anything above that is heading towards polishing the concrete slab.
(Low Grit Number) – Are for faster prep work and removal of coatings.
(High Grit Number) – Are for smoothing, polishing, and final touch-ups.
How To Pick The Right Diamond For Your Concrete Grinder
Diamond tooling selection is crucial for making a profit and not going backward on a job, as diamond discs and plugs are extremely expensive. Using the wrong disc/plug for the job could cost you thousands! When selecting your diamond disc/plug, you need to understand the following information:
Each diamond is set in a metal bond, the metal bond breaks away exposing the diamond, which in turn cuts the concrete. bond is critical when it comes to wear rate and performance on harder concrete slabs. The bond itself suspends the small ‘grits’ of polycrystalline diamonds so that they do not fall out onto the surface being ground. The bond wears away to allow the diamond to be exposed.
This is required to sharpen the diamond to allow it to cut the concrete. As the diamond is dragged across the surface of the floor, it is slowly blunted by the force of friction. At the same time, the bond wears around the diamond exposing it more and more. Once the exposed diamond reaches a certain point, it splits and shatters creating more sharp surfaces which continue to cut.
The rate of exposure the diamond will require to stay sharp will depend on how hard the concrete is. In the case that the concrete is hard, then the diamond will blunt quickly and require constant splitting/fracturing to ensure it stays sharp. Of course, the downside to the need to quickly expose diamonds is the increased wear rate on the disc or plug.
Alternatively, where the concrete is soft or very gritty, the opposite problem exists. Because grit and dust are abrasive to the bond, it increases the speed of wear. This allows the diamond to become exposed, splinter, and re-sharpen well before it blunts. While this does ensure maximum Wall Grinding speed, it reduces the lifespan of the diamond disc or plugs. In this case, a hard bond product will ensure wear is slowed to a more reasonable level.
A SOFT bond diamond disc or plug is more aggressive, but it will wear out quickly, especially on soft concrete!
A HARD bond diamond disc or plug will wear slowly, but it will cut faster on soft concrete.
Soft concrete is more aggressive compared to hard concrete. So when selecting the diamond disc or plug, we do the opposite:
With SOFT concrete – We use a HARD bond diamond disc or plug.
With HARD concrete – We use SOFT bond diamond discs or plugs.
Discs & plugs have a series of blocks called ‘segments’ attached to them by way of high-temperature solder. These segments are the components of the diamond disc and plug that does the Wall Grinding. Once these are worn completely away, the disc or plug will no longer be usable. Discs with fewer segments will be more aggressive. While discs with more segments on the wheel will deliver a smoother surface/finish.
The MORE segments a disc or plug has, the LESS aggressive it is.
(EXAMPLE: This blue disc has A LOT of segments, making it a less aggressive disc)
The FEWER segments a disc or plug has the MORE aggressive it is.
(EXAMPLE: This red disc has VERY FEW segments, making it a very aggressive disc)
How To Grind Faster Using A Concrete Grinder
The main thing that causes a diamond to stop cutting is that the matrix that holds the diamond chips is not wearing out fast enough to keep fresh diamonds exposed and the diamond chips lose their edge. This means that the diamond chip ends up not protruding out of the segment and therefore rounding off and not cutting the concrete or stone. Hence, the grinding process slows down a lot. Faster diamonds or diamonds that cut faster have a feature common to them. Changing the following variables within the disc or plugs and segments mounted on them creates a faster cut:
– Diamond Grit:
Most diamonds are #16 grit – Which is very aggressive for cleaning up concrete slabs.
But they go all the way up to #3,000 grit – Which is for very fine polishing of concrete slabs.
You will mostly use #16 & #30 grit – For removal and prep work on concrete, anything above that is heading towards polishing the concrete slab.
– Number Of Segments:
Using a diamond disc with fewer segments means that there is more pressure per segment applied to the cutting surface. This wears the matrix faster and exposes the diamond chips.
– Softer Matrix That Holds The Diamond Chips:
This means that the matrix will wear at the same rate as the diamond chip or slightly faster meaning there is always a fresh edge to the diamond itself.
Here are a few tips that you can try: (You can try more than one of these at a time to grind faster).
Turn Your Dust Extraction Down:
– This will leave the dust from the grinding process under the head of the grinder and this creates wear to the matrix of the diamond segment which exposes the diamond chip again)
Add Weight To The Head Of The Concrete Grinder If The Power Available Permits:
– This will put more pressure on each segment and wear out the matrix to expose the diamond chips.
– More pressure per segment helps wear the matrix at the same rate as the diamonds wear.
– The extra weight does little to the wear factor of the diamond chips.
Use “Soft Bond” Discs With Fewer Segments To Overcome The Issue:
– The softer bond refers to the matrix, not the diamonds. the result of a softer bond is that the matrix wears out faster and keeps the diamonds fresh and exposed.
Throw A Little Bit Of Sand (Or Dust From Previous Grinding Work) Onto The Slab:
– This will wear the matrix away which will increase the chance of opening up the diamonds again.
Add A Misting Of Water To The Concrete:
– This will make a slight paste between the diamonds and the concrete which will increase the chance of opening up the diamonds again.
Grind Or Cut On A Soft Concrete Slab To Open Up Fresh Diamonds:
– Using a known soft slab or even a paver can open the diamonds up again so they have a fresh edge.
Reverse The rotation If That Function Is Available On Your Machine:
– Reversing the rotation of the machine can change the dynamics of the way the diamonds are being worn out and give a fresh edge to the diamonds.
MPA For Wall Grinding
What concrete hardness means for the Wall Grinding industry is that the surface you are grinding will be either soft or hard. A 25 MPA concrete is very soft, generally rain damaged and powdery, and something that says 50 MPA, which is very hard, generally curing compound applied or densified.
It’s really hard to tell until you start grinding the concrete.
– We recommend starting with a hard bond diamond and see if the grinding is quick enough.
– If it’s too slow or not cutting at all, change to a soft bond, but check the wear on the diamond after 10 minutes to make sure it’s not wearing too quickly.
A “Mohs Hardness Test Kit” can be used to also test the MPA of the concrete slab
The Mohs Hardness Test Kit is the perfect hardness tester for floors – to help choose the right diamond grinding tool for your job.
Mohs’ hardness is a measure of the relative hardness and resistance to scratching between minerals. Using the Mohs Hardness Tester Kit to determine the hardness or the scratchability of your concrete is useful for identifying the best diamonds to use on the job.
Once you have determined the hardness of the concrete you can make informed decisions about which diamonds to use without taking the risk they will wear out too fast or glaze over.
Taking the time to test your slab before grinding will allow you to get a longer grinding life out of your diamonds, saving you thousands of dollars in lost diamonds or unproductive work.
Click here to learn more about MPA
What Are The Power Requirements For Your Concrete Grinder?
The stronger the Concrete Grinder, the more power is required to operate it. So always make sure you have the correct cable as well as cable length: When using a 10 AMP Power Cable to power a walk-behind concrete grinder, it’s important to remember that your cable should be 30 metres long MAX. Otherwise, it will trip out your power constantly and won’t power the concrete grinder correctly. When using a powerful Concrete Grinder, mostly on larger jobs, you will need 15 AMP or Three-Phase power on-site.
When using Concrete Grinders in situations where there is no power on-site, it’s best to hire a 16 – 45 KVA generator as well as a heavy-duty 10 AMP or Three-Phase Power 30 Metre long cable to ensure the machine is getting enough power.
– 10 AMP Power Cable (Your standard Australian power cable used for most household appliances, they are also used to power handheld and low power 240v walk behind Concrete Grinders)
– 15 AMP Power Cable (This cable looks like a 10 AMP power cable, but the bottom pin is larger. 15 AMP power cables are used to power mid-range Concrete Grinders that require power sources over 240v)
– Three-Phase Power Cables (This is a heavy-duty large 4-spike cable used to power heavy-duty commercial Concrete Grinders)
DIY Guide On How To Grind Concrete
Managing the DIY Wall Grinding process yourself can save you money and give you the satisfaction of completing a DIY project – but it does come with challenges.
However, with a little bit of research and preparation, anyone can achieve a professional-looking finish. By choosing the right equipment, following proper techniques, and taking safety precautions, you can complete your DIY Wall Grinding project and enjoy a beautiful new surface.
To make your job easier (and safer), we’ll guide you through the process of DIY Wall Grinding in Sydney and provide you with all the information you need to get started.
From choosing the right abrasive to protecting your investment, we will cover everything you need to know to achieve a stunning new look for your concrete floors. Let’s break down the steps now.
Step 1: Gather your tools and materials
Wondering how to grind concrete? Before you start grinding, you’ll need to gather some tools and materials.
This includes:
– Concrete grinder & Diamonds
– Vacuum cleaner / Dust extractor
– Safety glasses
– Dust mask
– Hearing protection
You may also want to consider renting or buying diamond grinding cup wheels. You will need to purchase grinding discs and abrasive pads in various grits, depending on the level of grinding you want to do.
Step 2: Prepare the area
Before you start grinding, you need to prepare the area. This includes cleaning the surface and removing any furniture, rugs, or other items that may get in the way. You should also cover any electrical outlets or other sensitive areas with plastic sheets to protect them from dust and debris. It’s important to cover any smoke and fire alarms as well as air conditioners.
Step 3: Start grinding
Once you have prepared the area, it is time to start grinding.
Begin by attaching the grinding disc to the concrete grinder. Start at the farthest corner of the room and work your way towards the door. Make sure to use a light, back-and-forth motion and apply gentle pressure to avoid damaging the surface. Move slowly, and work in small sections, making sure to overlap each pass slightly to ensure an even grind.
Apply moderate pressure to the diamond pad and make sure to keep it moving across the surface of the concrete. You don’t want to focus on any one area for too long, as this can cause damage to the concrete. Concrete Grinders are also equipped with a dust collection system that will help avoid dust shrouding and keep the area clean while you Grind Concrete.
If you’re doing a full-depth grind, start with the coarse grit and move to a finer grit until you achieve the desired result.
For a full-depth grind, you’ll need to use a series of different grits to slowly grind down the concrete. Start with coarse grit and move to a finer one until you achieve the desired result. Grinding Concrete, for example, can be done using a series of 16, 24, 36, 60, and 80-grit diamonds.
Step 4: Change the grinding discs
Changing the diamond (disc, plug, or shoe) on a Concrete Grinder is very simple, although each of them attaches with a different method. You may need to change what diamond you are using, depending on what material you are removing and what finish you are looking for.
To get the proper polish, you must change the grinding discs as you grind. Working your way up to a finer grit, begin with a coarse grit. This will help you remove old coatings and rough spots and create a smooth surface.
For optimal DIY polishing results, you should change the grinding disc after every 2-3 passes and make sure to clean the surface between each disc change to prevent contamination.
Step 5: Vacuum the surface
Once you have finished grinding, you will need to vacuum the surface to remove any dust and debris. This is an important step, as any leftover dust can affect the final finish of your concrete. Use a powerful vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to ensure that all of the dust is removed.
Step 6: Seal the concrete
You should seal the concrete to protect it from moisture, stains, and other contaminants. You can use a concrete sealer, which will also enhance the colour and shine of the surface. Apply the sealer using a roller or brush, and make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for drying time and the number of coats. You also have other options such as, but not limited to, Polished Concrete, Epoxy, Stencil Concrete, Spraycrete, Waterproof Membranes, Floor Levelling, Paint, ETC.
Step 7: Consider the environment
It’s important to keep in mind that grinding concrete can generate a significant amount of dust, which can be harmful to both the environment and your health.
To minimise the impact, you are using a dust extractor, which will help to reduce the amount of dust in the air. Silica dust is extremely dangerous and should be taken seriously. Click here to learn more about The Dangers Of Silica Dust From Wall Grinding
Step 8: Choose the right grinding equipment
When choosing a concrete grinder, it’s important to select the right equipment for the job. A smaller, hand-held grinder may be suitable for smaller jobs, while a larger floor grinder may be more appropriate for larger surfaces. Consider the size of the surface you will be grinding and the level of grinding you want to achieve when selecting your equipment.
Step 9: Follow safety guidelines
Wall Grinding can be dangerous if proper safety measures are not taken. Always wear safety glasses, dust masks, and hearing protection to protect yourself from dust and debris. Make sure to use a firm grip on the grinder and to keep the grinding disc level to prevent accidental cuts or abrasions.
Step 10: Practise Good Maintenance
To ensure that your concrete grinder continues to perform at its best, it’s important to practice good maintenance. Clean the grinder after each use, and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for oiling and lubricating the machine.
Regular maintenance will help to prolong the life of the grinder and ensure that it continues to perform effectively.
Step 11: Create a unique surface finish
Wall Grinding is a great way to create a unique surface finish on your concrete floors. By using different grinding discs and abrasive pads, you can achieve a range of textures, from smooth to rough. You can also experiment with different levels of exposed aggregate and a large range of different finishes.
Step 12: Consider professional assistance
While grinding can be a DIY project, it can also be a complex and time-consuming task. If you are unsure about your abilities or if you want a professional-looking finish, consider hiring a professional grinding contractor.
A professional contractor will have the experience and equipment to handle the job quickly and effectively and will also be able to provide guidance and advice on the best techniques and materials to use.
For jobs over the size of 10 square metres, we ALWAYS recommend leaving it up to the professionals.
Contact Us Now For A Free Quote!
A Few Key Things To Keep In Mind When Wall Grinding
– It’s essential to use the correct diamond cup wheel for the job.
– Different wheels are designed for different tasks, so choosing the right one is essential.
– A grinding wheel with a coarse grit is better for removing large amounts of material, while a polishing wheel with a fine grit is better for finishing the surface.
– It’s essential to take care when Grinding Concrete, as too much pressure can cause damage to the surface.
– To achieve the best results, it’s recommended that you start with a lower speed and work your way up, gradually increasing pressure until you reach the desired results.
– The lowest speed is used when removing material from an existing concrete slab, with a higher speed used to create the profile for applying coatings or toppings.
– Move the Concrete Grinder slowly from left to right while slowly moving forward to ensure you don’t put too much pressure in one area for too long.
This is the basic guide on How To Grind Concrete. We always suggest contacting our specialist team for your project.
Contact Us Now For A Free Quote!
Free Wall Grinding Tips
– Ensure you use the correct diamond tooling with the appropriate bond hardness for the floor you’re grinding.
– Add some sand onto the slab before grinding to combat any leftover sticky residue on the surface. The extra grit will help open the diamond segments on your grinder, acting as an additional abrasive.
– If you use a multi-directional concrete grinder, reverse the heads’ spinning direction from time to time to re-open your diamond tooling. This will prevent scratches and inconsistent wear patterns.
– Pre-soaking the concrete slab will help maintain a lower surface temperature of the concrete and machinery. This will keep the diamond tools working effectively, especially when it’s hot outside.
– To begin, leave your dust collector on a lower power setting so the dust can build up a little under the machine. This will allow some of the particles to help open your diamond tooling.
– Using other equipment along with your concrete grinder can be very useful in some tough grinding jobs.
What Concrete Grinding Equipment Do We Use While Grinding Concrete?
We use a large range of Concrete Grinding equipment. View below for a small range of the equipment that we use.
Click Here To View All Equipment Used By Concrete Grinding Sydney
Our Promise To You At Dust-Free Wall Grinding Sydney
We specialise in Wall Grinding Dust-Free! for the residential, commercial, industrial, and civil sectors throughout Sydney. No job is too big or too small. We’ve built our reputation based on quality workmanship, efficient service, and value for money.
We will always beat all of our competitors’ quotes on all Wall Grinding jobs while maintaining a professional, fast, and efficient service for all our clients. We will grind all the concrete and dispose of all of the waste. So that your concrete is safe and ready for the re-installation of a new coating.
Our team has over 35 years of experience combined with the most skilled and also the most professional Wall Grinding team that Sydney has to offer. You can have peace of mind knowing that we have been through it all and seen it all!
Our Wall Grinding team will always take the utmost care to avoid any accidental minor damage; you can also rest assured knowing that we are fully insured and use only the highest quality dust extraction equipment free of charge on all Wall Grinding jobs, giving our customers a Dust-Free! Wall Grinding and Concrete Grinding experience.
These are two of the many reasons that we are known for and often referred to as the best Wall Grinding team in Sydney. Our Wall Grinding teams are trained, certified, and insured to work on residential properties, large commercial projects, and construction sites.
Hire our specialist Wall Grinding team with over 35 years of experience, all the trucks, and specialized tools needed to get the job done quickly, efficiently, and affordably today!
We’re looking forward to extending to you the same quality results that we’ve become known for throughout the industry.
Dustmaster® series dust extractors have been specially designed to handle the demands of the concrete grinding industry which has high-loading fine dust.
This is the H-Class (often referred to as HEPA) Dust extractor that is certified to handle hazardous dust. These amazing dust collectors have been certified to capture up to 99.99% of the dust.
– Dust extraction in our industry is often more important than the actual grinding itself. Without it, we could breathe the fine dust which could be detrimental to our health.
– Featuring dual 10A motors, maximum performance is ensured. The longopac bagging system makes handling and disposal of hazardous dust much easier.
– Performance is maintained by the rotary filter cleaning mechanism which automatically cleans the filter during operation.
– This machine has a single durable toggle switch for each motor.
– A deep clean is achieved while running whilst the motor is turned off. The rotary filter cleaning can be turned off when the DustMaster is not in use, using the rotary switch on the front panel.
– H-Class (H13) dust extractors must pass the 0.3µm DOP test that certifies they capture no less than 99.99% of the dust.
– The rotary filter cleaning system is very effective and takes only 10-20 seconds to deep clean the filter. You may never have to remove the filter to clean it again, keeping your job and your hands cleaner!
– You won’t find a better piece of equipment to handle your job, this is the most high-end piece of equipment that we can use for your job. The next level up would require a 15A power supply which would require you to supply us a generator on-site as residential power only has 10A.
Carpet Removal Sydney is proud to be the #1 flooring removal business in Australia.
We are proudly 100% Australian owned and operated, With over 35 years of experience in the trade.
Expect nothing but the best in the trade from your fellow Australian!
We only offer the highest quality labour guaranteed, with our professional carpet removal and flooring removal specialists.
They have been trained by only the best of the best in the trade, the most highly experienced flooring removal specialists who are licensed, qualified and insured to make sure that every job is run smoothly.
Carpet Removal Sydney has over 20 testimonials and over 150 reviews!
We are proud to be an Australian 5 star business!
Carpet Removal Sydney also offers a price beat guarantee! Simply get any quote
from any of our Competitor’s and we will beat their price by up to 10%*
We Will NEVER… EVER Be Beaten On Price
Our flooring removal specialists are 100% insured and licensed, trained specialists.
No matter what the job is, no matter how big or small, our team will always get the job done in a timely manner. For the cheapest price possible for the client while still maintaining the highest standards of workmanship possible for our client to get the best results possible.
Carpet Removal Sydney’s team is specialized in over 100+ Flooring Removal & Concrete Grinding Dust-Free services.
Our business has it all!
Carpet Removal Sydney has perfected the recipe for a perfect job while maintaining professionalism and unparalleled service. We only offer the highest quality of labour guaranteed by our team.
Carpet Removal Sydney always makes sure that the highest level of customer service and customer satisfaction is always achieved on every job. No matter how big or small your job may be our team will always make sure that no one mistake is made.
Our professional flooring removal specialists are licensed, insured and they have been trained by only the best of the best in the trade to make sure that every job is run smoothly.
We will always make sure that your property is left clean from the process of removing your flooring
And make sure that you are happy with the end result!
Carpet Removal Sydney is proudly 100% Australian owned and operated, expect nothing but the best in the trade from your fellow Australian!
Commercial Flooring Removal is our team’s specialty. Our Commercial Floor Removal team has been trained and equipped with the best of the best-specialized equipment and the latest, high tech, tools, safety equipment, dust extraction equipment and demolition gear to get your job done faster than any of our competitors while still getting the best price possible!
Our team that specializes in Commercial Floor Removal will come to your property and remove whatever type of flooring system has been installed in your commercial property and then we can also offer a Concrete Grinding service if there is any residue on the concrete after the Commercial Floor Removal process has been completed.
We Will Beat All Of Our Competitors Quotes By Up To 10%*
We Will NEVER… EVER Be Beaten On Price At Commercial Floor Removal Sydney
We’ll Beat ALL Quotes By Up To 10%
Conditions apply. *Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
“I attempted a carpet removal job my self in my new office only to realise the job was commercially glued down, needless to say as a I.T nerd i had absolutely no chance of removing it haha. I thought i would give a few companys a call to request a quote on how much the removal process would cost… and my god i was shocked at the overwhelming expense of how much commercial carpet removal costs… I was so relieved though when i stumbled across Carpet Removal Sydney (One of my co-workers recently had their team out to remove carpet in a new house they purchased) and was relieved when i finally found a company that was willing to do it for a fair price. I was a little concerned at the start due to their price being so much lower than all of their competitors, but my co-worker re assured me that they had an amazing team. I was quite relieved when the whole process was over and they had done such an amazing job for almost a third of their competitors prices. Thanks again lads! If you ever need a computer fixed hit me up! ”
“Thanks again boys! really happy with how my shop looks now! i knew ripping out the carpet was the best option, definitely looks a lot better with a clean smooth slab so that i could install a nice hardwood floor”
“You were very professional, well dressed, well mannered and quick. I will recommend your services to our friends. Thanks again!”
“Can’t argue with cheapest prices, best customer services, and same day service! very impressed!”
“I was shocked when I had realised that my daughter had spilled my paint set all over my new carpet in my rental property, had no idea what to do, everything I tried failed, gave Carpet Removal Sydney a quick call and they gave me free advice over the phone, with no charge that actually worked! Thank you so much!”
“Very impressed with your team members high quality work. You all arrived on time, you did an amazing job finish the removal process and installation process without damaging anything. (My last two experiences with carpet layers from carpet court they both damaged the skirting boards and a piece of furniture) So thanks for giving me faith again that a job can be completed without my property being damaged. And thanks to your team for helping me in such short notice due to my unit having flood damage! Really appreciate everything that you did for me!”
“The boys at Carpet Removal Sydney also did an absolutely amazing job with the removal as well as the installation of my carpet as well after it was flooded by my dishwasher overnight. Called them up at 6 pm, they were also there the next day and completed the take up the same day! Really happy with the result.”
“Was completely gobsmacked at the quotes that I got from 3 other company’s on the northern beaches and how outrageously high they were just to remove the carpet in a shop I had recently purchased. So it was such a relief when my friend recommended I try out Carpet Removal Sydney and I ended up saving over $3,000, Thanks again!”
“I always recommend Carpet Removal Sydney when a tenant moves out of one of our properties if the carpet needs to be replaced. They always do an amazing job, leave the property clean and save our clients hundreds and sometimes even thousands.”
“Excellent service from the team at Carpet Removal Sydney. Will definitely use their services again, was absolutely amazed at how much money I saved going through Carpet Removal Sydney instead of going through Carpet Court.”
“He has great product knowledge and took the time to thoroughly explain the differences of each carpet in a simple way. He has a very personable manner and is very friendly and polite. He explained the process well provided a competitive quote. He was flexible with the install date (as I had some other trades finishing off work before the carpet could be installed) and worked with me to secure a date that suited both parties. I had an issue with the underlay requirements due to strata laws and Declan was very helpful in helping me source the correct underlay to meet strata requirements. I believe he went over and above his role to assist me. The floors are amazing! I’m extremely happy with the choice and the whole process. Thank you Declan. I hope Carpet Removal Sydney realise what an asset you are to their team. ”
“The boys at Carpet Removal Sydney went out of their way to help me so much as I wasn’t able to move a lot of the furniture myself as my back isn’t great. I also saved over $400 getting the carpet removed by these guys! Would recommend, thanks again!”
“I had absolutely no idea what to do when we had a pipe burst in our property, but thankfully Carpet Removal Sydney had a 24-hour emergency assistance team that did an absolutely amazing job with the removal of the carpet that had been completely soaked, called them up at 2 am on a Tuesday and they were here within 30minutes. Couldn’t be happier with their services!”
“Thanks again for your help guys, I really appreciate you coming so far to do such a small job”
0424 408 330
We Will Beat All Quotes By Up To 10%*
No Call Out Fee Conditions apply*