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Concrete Spalling
Concrete Spalling is our specialty, and our Concrete Spalling, also known as “Concrete Cancer” is our team’s specialty. Our Concrete Spalling team will come to your property free of charge for a Concrete Cancer inspection. They will inspect your concrete slab to identify any possible Concrete Spalling issues. Afterward, we will provide you with a free quote for the Concrete Cancer Repairs.
At Concrete Spalling Sydney we offer a free price beat guarantee and a no-obligation quote to repair your concrete slab for all Concrete Spalling issues identified. Removing the Concrete Spalling completely!
Allowing you to have a fresh concrete slab that is safe and ready for re-installation of any flooring system. Our team of Concrete Spalling specialists is fully qualified, licensed, insured & trusted throughout Australia.
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We Will NEVER… EVER Be Beaten On Price At Concrete Spalling Sydney
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Concrete Spalling Sydney
Concrete Spalling Sydney
What Is Concrete Spalling?
Concrete Spalling, cracked or damaged concrete is much more than just an eyesore. Left untreated, compromised concrete can quickly lead to serious structural problems requiring extensive remediation.
Concrete Spalling occurs when carbonation and high chloride levels in the environment (usually present in coastal locations) causes corrosion of concrete buildings. If it’s left untreated Concrete Spalling can lead to serious structural deterioration resulting in extensive and expensive repairs.
The expert Concrete Spalling Repair and waterproofing solutions from our team are an efficient and cost-efficient way of addressing all types of concrete damage including Concrete Cancer, Concrete Spalling, water, water damage, and concrete cracks.
Concrete Spalling is a term used to describe the degradation of concrete structures often caused by interstitial contaminants in the concrete constituents, moisture ingress and the alkali-silica reaction.
Chloride contaminated constituents can find their way into concrete structures if sourced from a chloride-rich environment such as a coastal region. Chloride ingress can also be attributed to the structure’s surrounding environment, which is a particularly important issue in Australia.
The presence of free chloride ions in a reinforced concrete structure causes depassivation of the steel reinforcement bars, allowing them to corrode. As the steel corrodes inside the structure, the reinforcement bars expand, inducing stress on the surrounding concrete leading to Concrete Spalling.
Once initial cracks form in the Concrete Spalling processes, further degradation is accelerated as there is greater exposure to moisture ingress.
In the alkali-silica reaction, certain concrete constituents in the aggregate react with the alkali to form alkali-silica. This highly hygroscopic compound imbibes moisture from surrounding pores in the concrete structure.
This has the effect of creating a localised expansion in the alkali-silica rich sites resulting in high internal localised stresses. When the concrete has become damaged by the alkali-silica reaction it can produce a characteristic cracking pattern on the surface with white alkali-silica gel emanating from this network of cracks.
The word Spall in engineering describes the chips or fragments of a material that is broken off a bigger object. The process of Spalling Of Concrete also known as spallation is the surface failure that occurs when a material such as concrete, brick, or limestone is subjected to excess moisture, corrosion, weathering, and much more. Concrete spalling commonly known as (Concrete Cancer) is an eye-sore and has the potential to be an extreme hazard.
– We are a fully insured business with worker’s compensation, insured for public liability and all employees have white card health and safety and covid vaccinations.
– Our highly trained staff will always work in a safe and efficient manner while using high-quality Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Dust Extraction Equipment.
What Causes Concrete Spalling?
Spalling Of Concrete (also known as Concrete Cancer or Concrete Spalling) is aggressive rusting of steel reinforcement beams in the concrete slab
which can be incredibly dangerous to the strength of the structure and flooring.
Spalling Of Concrete will start to damage the concrete and steel reinforcing beams in the concrete slab.
Concrete Spalling Sydney offers a free inspection of the concrete slab to inspect for any Spalling Of Concrete. Which should always be done before installing a new floor topping, especially if you have recently removed a Magnesite Flooring.
Firstly, Spalling Of Concrete is not attractive and makes a structure look uncared for. More seriously, if the structure is in an area accessed by the public, or by workers, then Spalling Of Concrete can be hazardous in terms of falling debris or trip hazards.
If left unchecked then Spalling Of Concrete will tend to accelerate and spread so that, eventually, the structure could become unstable. Diligent maintenance is therefore of great importance and legislation places a duty of care on owners to ensure that structures are not hazardous to users.
There are also serious commercial considerations. If a structure is left to deteriorate then the value of the asset will diminish and, furthermore, maintenance costs will tend to increase as corrosion and Spalling Of Concrete becomes more widespread. For some structures, such as car parks, customers will stay away if the environment is unattractive and potentially hazardous.
Spalling Of Concrete – especially on the outside of a building – not only looks terrible, but it is potentially dangerous too. Over time, and with increased exposure to the elements, untreated pieces of concrete may fall from your structure. The risk is it falling and damaging property, or even worse, hitting a person walking below.
There are a number of reasons your building may have Spalling Of Concrete.
Spalling Of Concrete usually occurs for one of three reasons, or sometimes a combination of these reasons. Salt, particularly the sodium chloride that’s used on frozen roads in many northern states, can result in oxidation or rusting of reinforcing steel when it’s repeatedly introduced to a surface or building.
But Spalling Of Concrete is more likely to occur due to the curing process or the way the concrete hardened. Carbon dioxide in the air and alkalis in the concrete mix can also interact and force cracking that admits water.
Common reasons that your building may have Spalling Of Concrete include:
- A poorly poured substrate has allowed moisture to seep into it through cracks and voids
- Inadequate preparation of the reinforcing steel when the original concrete was poured
- The ends of the reinforcing beams are too close to the surface. In heavy rains, water may seep through causing lime and other chemicals in the steel to oxidize
- Incompatible metals being used in close proximity to each other, thus causing a reaction which allows water into the slab
- Stress fractures from bearing weight or general wear-and-tear allow water to penetrate the concrete and react with the steel
- Corrosion of embedded reinforcing steel, because the corrosion products (rust) occupy more volume than the original steel, and the resultant pressure spalls the concrete.
- Fire exposure due to which free water in the concrete changes to stem and create internal expansive pressure in concrete, consequently spalling off the concrete.
- Freeze and thaw cycling
- Expansive Effects of Alkali-Silica Reaction
- Inadequate depth of cover over reinforcement
- Low-quality concrete cover over reinforcing steel
- Joint spalls are often caused by improperly constructed joints lead to joint spalling
- Bond failure in two-course construction due to Differences in shrinkage between topping and base courses, drying of the bonding grout before the topping concrete is placed, etc
Spalling Of Concrete breaks away pieces of the concrete surface which often extends to the top layers of reinforcing steel. Spalls may be 150 mm or more in diameter and 25mm or more in depth, and the occurrence of smaller spalls is also possible.
Spalling Of Concrete affects a broad variety of structures including framed buildings, multi-story car parks, bridges, jetties, unit blocks, etc.
Spalling Of Concrete leaves the concrete surface patchy and pitted while exposing aggregate underneath. As soon as Spalling Of Concrete is spotted, it should be properly repaired otherwise it compromises concrete surface integrity and jeopardizes the ultimate capacity of the member. Added to that, Spalling Of Concrete could distort the aesthetic appearance of the structure.
Spalling Of Concrete that occurs in a concrete driveway or sidewalk typically happens because the weather changed during the hardening process or something else occurred to prevent the concrete from finishing its curing. Contractors might make the mistake of adding too much water, but frankly, most don’t make mixing errors. Tearing out the driveway isn’t always necessary to fix Spalling Of Concrete. Sometimes the top layer can be removed and a new layer poured in its place.
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Is Concrete Spalling Dangerous?
Concrete Spalling occurs when the steel reinforcement within a concrete slab begins to rust. The rusted steel increases to approximately five times its original size, displacing the concrete and causing it to flake. Once the concrete is flaking more and more damage occurs – as more water can enter the affected area and cause further rusting, thereby speeding up the process and increasing the affected area.
Concrete Spalling is usually caused by corrosion of the steel reinforcement bars embedded in the concrete matrix but can be caused by other ferrous elements either fully or partially embedded in the structure.
Steel frame window systems, handrails, structural I-beams, metal pipes and conduits are among the most common of the damage-causing building components. Corrosion of the reinforcing steel, however, is by far the most common cause of Spalling and splitting in older concrete structures.
Spalling Concrete is a common issue for older buildings. It is largely caused by carbonation, a natural deterioration process. This causes the steel bars embedded in the ceiling slab to corrode, which in turn causes the concrete cover to crack and bulge. As the owner, you are responsible for the repair of any Spalling Concrete in your flat.
Steel reinforcement bar (rebar) is used in concrete to provide strength to the concrete that is extremely high in compressive strength but has very limited flexural or tensile strength.
One of the principles of reinforced concrete is that the high alkaline content of the concrete is meant to aid in protecting the embedded steel from corrosion, for this to happen though there needs to be a minimum amount of coverage on the steel. As a general rule of thumb, one inch of cover is required to protect the steel rebar, in other words, no rebar should be nearer than one inch to the concrete surface.
There are many factors which contribute to the premature deterioration of concrete due to Spalling however the most common causes in the Sydney region include high pollution levels and the local coastal environment coupled with poor construction techniques, which were unfortunately often employed in previous years where less was understood about the true requirements of reinforced concrete construction.
The coastal environment can be particularly destructive to reinforced concrete, particularly if the structure has not been carefully constructed to stringent engineering standards. The reason for this is concrete is a porous material that has the ability to absorb moisture. In the Sydney region, moisture or water is often combined with other elements to produce carbon dioxide-rich saline solution.
Once the concrete has absorbed this solution, the naturally occurring alkalinity within the concrete that protects the reinforcement from corrosion begins to diminish. Over time the alkalinity levels will reduce sufficiently that the reinforcement will no longer be protected within the concrete and will become susceptible to Concrete Spalling.
Concrete Spalling, Concrete Cancer or Spalling can occur in almost any location within a steel-reinforced structure however it is commonly found on the external edges and surfaces of buildings including balconies, concrete slab edges, plus external concrete columns and slab soffits where there is often a lesser thickness of protective concrete covering the steel reinforcement.
Detriment due to Concrete Spalling can be easy to detect however the cause of the damage is not always obvious. Some of the key indicators include cracking or detached concrete, rust staining leaching out of the concrete surface, bulging concrete render and exposed sections of reinforcement in concrete structures.
How Can You Minimise Concrete Spalling?
Concrete Spalling In Basements
Efflorescence is evident in many wet basements. You can see it on the walls and it will flake like chalk if you scrape it with a coin. This problem can be fixed by putting in French drains — dig a trench, line it with rocks, drop in a drainpipe, and attach waterproofing sheets of plastic to the walls.
Home sellers often try to mask the evidence of Concrete Spalling or a wet basement by painting the concrete walls with a water-repellent sealer. This is one of several very good reasons to always obtain a professional home inspection to inspect for Concrete Spalling before buying a home. A home inspector might uncover evidence of a wet basement that isn’t always evident to the casual observer.
On the other hand, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the foundation is Spalling just because water might be present in a basement. Some homeowners install and use sump pumps to reduce water levels in the basement and to pump out excess water during a rainstorm.
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Concrete Spalling On Foundations
Concrete Spalling On Foundations effects a wide variety of structures including concrete framed buildings, multi-story car parks, footpaths bridges, driveways jetties, roofs etc. Which will all need to have the Concrete Spall Repair issue sorted as soon as possible to prevent further damage or serious danger to the public.
Concrete Spalling can have wide-ranging consequences in terms of health and safety, structural integrity and asset value. Unfortunately, a sticking plaster approach is often taken to repairing spalling structures, with the underlying causes left untreated. Concrete Spall Repair must be done properly by a trained and licensed professional team.
Concrete Spalling is a term used to describe areas of concrete that have cracked and delaminated from the substrate. There are a number of reasons why spalling occurs including freeze-thaw cycling, the expansive effects of Alkali-Silica Reaction or exposure to fire.
However, the most common cause of Spalling is the corrosion of embedded steel reinforcement bars or steel sections. Corroding steel can expand up to ten times its original volume, exerting stress on the surrounding concrete which is why it is so important to start the process of Concrete Spalling Repair as soon as you notice it developing.
When steel is cast into concrete, the naturally high alkalinity helps to protect the embedded steel from corrosion. However, the protection afforded by high alkalinity can be compromised by the ingress of acidic atmospheric gases, a process normally referred to as carbonation, or by the presence of salts in the concrete, typically from marine environments or from the use of de-icing salts.
Combine these contaminants with oxygen and water and we have the key ingredients for corrosion. The reason some concrete structures exhibit a widespread need for Concrete Spall Repair whilst others appear to be in a sound condition is down to a combination of age, maintenance, concrete quality, the depth of concrete cover and local environmental conditions.
The use of a suitably qualified contractor is critical for Concrete Spall Repair as is diligent substrate preparation and the selection of a repair material that is compatible with the host concrete. Typically Concrete Spall Repair will be carried out using pre-bagged materials, thus ensuring consistency and compatibility of components. Materials are available for either hand placed, flowable or spray application, normally determined by the size and geometry of the application.
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What Does A Spall In Concrete Look Like?
A Spall In Concrete looks like flakes of material that are broken off of a larger solid body. A Spall In Concrete typically begins when the steel reinforcing embedded within the concrete member rusts. A Spall In Concrete can be as simple as your concrete starting to flake or chip away, or large chunks starting to fall off which reveal the steel reinforcing beams. There are a lot of things to look out for when buying a new property especially close to the ocean if you want to check for a Spall In Concrete you should look for any patchwork that has been done to the concrete slab, driveway, foundation, walls, roof, footpaths, etc.
Here are a few examples of a Spall In Concrete in Sydney from job sites that we have attended:
Why Does Magnesite Flooring Cause Concrete Spalling
Concrete Spalling starts when Magnesite Flooring is exposed to moisture over prolonged periods of time, chloride ions from the magnesite diffuse into the pores of the underlying concrete slab eventually reaching the reinforcing steel.
As chloride levels in the slab reach the chloride threshold, corrosion of the steel reinforcement will begin to take place, the longer the exposure time to the moisture source, the more aggressive the corrosion of the steel reinforcement.
Concrete Spalling caused by Magnesite Flooring, corrosion of this nature results in the pitting of the steel reinforcement where it loses its cross-sectional area and strength.
Iron oxide deposits also occur, causing expansive forces within the concrete. These forces cause cracking and Spalling of the concrete around the corroding steel, a common name for this type of Concrete Spalling is Concrete Cancer.
Signs of Concrete Spalling were noted throughout various units in the northern beaches when Carpet Removal Sydney often do strata Magnesite Flooring Removal jobs. Concrete Spalling had often been caused by water leaking from various sources, saturating the magnesite for prolonged periods of time. As well as living close to the ocean with “common area” windows open leaving hallways with carpet and Magnesite underneath to be exposed to the elements which led to the entire unit block having Concrete Spalling.
Concrete Spalling issues can be treated by our specialist team as well as having Magnesite Flooring removed with specialized equipment by our Magnesite Flooring Removal team.
Our Concrete Spalling specialist team who work closely without our Magnesite Flooring team will use specialized equipment to restore your concrete slab back to a level, smooth state allowing a new flooring system to be installed or to allow the fresh concrete slab to be used as your new floor.
Concrete Spalling is often caused by Magnesite Flooring, Our team are Australia’s leading experts in the removal of Magnesite Flooring. Magnesite Flooring should always be removed for your safety as it can contain asbestos and often causes Concrete Spalling.
To get a free quote to have your Magnesite Flooring removed view our:
Magnesite Flooring Removal page here!
What Is Spalling?
Salt Spalling In Concrete is a specific type of weathering which occurs in porous building materials, such as brick, natural stone, tiles, and concrete. Dissolved salt is carried through the material in water and crystallizes inside the material near the surface as the water evaporates. As the salt crystals expand this builds up shear stresses which break away from the surface and start Spalls In Concrete.
Concrete Spalling or Spalling is a defect that is administered in a hardened concrete structure, where the concrete is slowly broken down into small flakes known as Spalls from a larger solidified concrete body.
When a concrete structure is exposed to freezing temperatures, the water stored in the capillaries of the concrete solidifies and expands, creating an internal pressure on the top solidified layer. Over time, due to the force applied by freezing and thawing cycles along with the internal pressure of expanded water, the top layer of the concrete tends to chip away leaving pit marks, concrete fragments or Spalls.
The threat of Concrete Spalling can be minimized by preparing the concrete with the appropriate water-cement ratio, air content, and a minimum specified compressive strength, and by proper finishing.
What Will Happen If My Concrete Is Spalling?
Spalling usually occurs for one of three reasons, or sometimes a combination of these reasons. Salt, particularly the sodium chloride that’s used on frozen roads in many northern states, can result in oxidation or rusting of reinforcing steel when it’s repeatedly introduced to a surface or building.
But Spalling is more likely to occur due to the curing process or the way the concrete hardened. Carbon dioxide in the air and alkalis in the concrete mix can also interact and force cracking that admits water.
Spalling can be caused by a poorly poured substrate which has allowed moisture to seep into it through cracks and voids as well as Inadequate preparation of the reinforcing steel when the original concrete was poured.
Concrete Spalling can also be caused when the ends of the reinforcing beams are too close to the surface. In heavy rains, water may seep through causing lime and other chemicals in the steel to oxidize as well as Incompatible metals being used in close proximity to each other, thus causing a reaction that allows water into the slab.
Spalling is also be caused by stress fractures from bearing weight or general wear-and-tear allow water to penetrate the concrete and react with the steel which causes corrosion of embedded reinforcing steel because the corrosion products (rust) occupy more volume than the original steel, and the resultant pressure Spalls The Concrete.
Fire exposure due to which free water in the concrete changes to stem and create internal expansive pressure in concrete, consequently Spall Off Concrete.
Freeze and thaw cycling, expansive effects of Alkali-Silica Reaction, inadequate depth of cover over reinforcement, Low quality concrete cover over reinforcing steel, Joint Spalls are often caused by improperly constructed joints lead to joint spalling can also be a big factor in causing Concrete Cancer.
How Can I Repair Concrete Spalling
Spalling Concrete is the deterioration of concrete due to environmental factors, poor installation, and other reasons. It has the potential to wreak havoc on a concrete structure. So, protecting the concrete early can avoid the dangers and also avoid having to replace it later
Spalling Concrete is caused by water or moisture ingress into a concrete structure, causing the reinforcing steel to corrode or rust. When the reinforcing steel rusts, it expands to up to 700% its original size, causing the surrounding concrete to be displaced.
This displacement can cause cracks, flaking, or in extreme cases, the concrete can fall away from the structure which is a major safety hazard, as well as causing the weakened structural integrity of the structure.
If left untreated, the damaged caused by Spalling Concrete can grow exponentially, as more and more water or moisture is able to enter the structure due to the existing cracks and open cavities caused by Concrete Spalling. This can lead to major and extensive structural and non-structural damage, meaning extensive and expensive repair is required.
Spalling Concrete is also known as Concrete Cancer. It has the capacity to cause serious hazards, public injury, and loss of public property, as it can damage the whole structure, like damage to reinforcing bars within the concrete. Hence, Spalling Concrete is an issue that needs attention. It should never be left exposed or without being treated. It is very important to address Spalling Concrete issues when they begin to occur.
The signs of Spalling Concrete are a chipped and flaky surface, chunks of concrete coming out from the installation, and concrete starting to crack. Their signs may also include marked lines, discolouration, and roughness of the concrete. The best time to address spalling is when concrete is first poured, by taking steps to prevent it from occurring.
One of the main reasons of Spalling Concrete is a natural process called carbonation. Water seeps into the concrete and causes the reinforcement bars and other elements embedded in the concrete to corrode, thereby creating cracks and bulges in the concrete surface. Steel reinforcement bars are used in concrete to provide durability to it. Poor quality steel can also cause Spalling Concrete.
Another reason for Spalling Concrete is water. Rainwater or water from any other external source first makes its way into the capillaries of the concrete. During cold days, water freezes inside the concrete and forms snow or ice, which expands and causes the concrete to break, thus developing cracks on the surface. As this cycle continues, the outer surface continues to undergo Spalling Concrete, resulting in weathering. This is also called freeze-thaw weathering.
De-icing salts and rock salts can also cause Spalling Concrete in the same way as mentioned above. Water containing dissolved salts penetrates the concrete and crystallizes inside it when the water evaporates. The crystals of salt expand in volume which creates stress on the concrete and hence wears away the surface.
High temperatures can also lead to Spalling Concrete. When exposed to extreme temperatures either overtime or all of a sudden, the surface gets much hotter than the concrete underneath. This leads to differential thermal expansion which in turn causes stress between the surfaces. Large masses of concrete begin to separate and develop cracks. Alternatively, the heat may cause the release of water within the concrete.
We undertake a professional investigation with our highly skilled
team to identify the source of the problem that is causing Concrete Cancer and Concrete Spalling damage throughout your property. Identifying the source is vital in reducing the probability of further ongoing Concrete Spalling Repair. Once the nature of, or cause of and the source is identified, we determine the best possible solution for our clients to repair the spalling concrete.
Our Concrete Spalling Repair specialists team offers a free price beat guarantee quote to remove Concrete Spalling.
Our team are Concrete Spalling Repairs specialists and are licensed, insured professionals at inspecting your concrete slab so that any Concrete Spalling Repair can be fixed appropriately in a safe and efficient manner, while also being cost-effective and approved by strata.
Our Concrete Cancer and Concrete Spalling Repair team are experts in the field, that are highly trained and respected throughout NSW. We use high-quality equipment, tools and techniques to ensure that we can restore your concrete slab to a safe and usable condition which will be ready for the re-installation of a new flooring system.
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How Can I Stop Spalling Concrete
Engineers believe that porous building materials can be protected against salt Spalling by treatment with penetrating sealants which are hydrophobic (water repellent) and will penetrate deeply enough to keep water with dissolved salts well away from the surface. Great care and expert advice must be consulted, however, to ensure that any coating is compatible with the substrate in terms of breath-ability (ability to allow the release of vapours from inside while preventing water intrusion), or other serious problems can be created.
Repairing the problem immediately rather than waiting for the problem to get worse will also increase your chances of being able to stop Spalling and prevent future damage from re-occurring.
To obtain a Free Price Beat Guarantee Quote from Sydney’s #1 Spalling Repair team simply fill out our:
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What Concrete Grinder Do We Use While Grinding Concrete?
If your interested in learning more about the different types of Concrete Grinders that our Dust-Free Concrete Grinding specialist team uses daily. Then you can view information and photos of them on our Concrete Grinders page.
Our Promise To You
We specialise in delivering Concrete Spalling Repair solutions to the residential, commercial, industrial and civil sectors throughout Sydney. No job is too big or too small. We’ve built our reputation based on quality workmanship, efficient service, and value for money.
We offer the best prices in Sydney on all Concrete Spalling Repair jobs while maintaining a professional, fast and efficient service for all our clients.
We will repair your concrete slab to make sure that it is safe and ready for the re-installation of a new flooring system, Our team has over 35 years of experience combined with the most skilled and also the most professional Concrete Spalling Repair team that Sydney has to offer.
These are two of the many reasons that we are known for and often referred to as the best Concrete Spalling Repair assessment team in Sydney, our concrete teams are trained, certified and insured to work on residential properties, large commercial projects and construction sites.
Hire our specialist team with over 35 years of experience and all the trucks and heavy power tools needed to get the job done quickly, efficiently and affordable.
We’re looking forward to extending to you the same quality results that we’ve become known for throughout the industry.
To obtain a Free Price Beat Guarantee Quote from Sydney’s #1 Concrete Spalling Repair team simply fill out our:
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“The boys at Carpet Removal Sydney went out of their way to help me so much as I wasn’t able to move a lot of the furniture myself as my back isn’t great. I also saved over $400 getting the carpet removed by these guys! Would recommend, thanks again!”
“Very impressed with your team members high quality work. You all arrived on time, you did an amazing job finish the removal process and installation process without damaging anything. (My last two experiences with carpet layers from carpet court they both damaged the skirting boards and a piece of furniture) So thanks for giving me faith again that a job can be completed without my property being damaged. And thanks to your team for helping me in such short notice due to my unit having flood damage! Really appreciate everything that you did for me!”
“You were very professional, well dressed, well mannered and quick. I will recommend your services to our friends. Thanks again!”
“The boys at Carpet Removal Sydney also did an absolutely amazing job with the removal as well as the installation of my carpet as well after it was flooded by my dishwasher overnight. Called them up at 6 pm, they were also there the next day and completed the take up the same day! Really happy with the result.”
“He has great product knowledge and took the time to thoroughly explain the differences of each carpet in a simple way. He has a very personable manner and is very friendly and polite. He explained the process well provided a competitive quote. He was flexible with the install date (as I had some other trades finishing off work before the carpet could be installed) and worked with me to secure a date that suited both parties. I had an issue with the underlay requirements due to strata laws and Declan was very helpful in helping me source the correct underlay to meet strata requirements. I believe he went over and above his role to assist me. The floors are amazing! I’m extremely happy with the choice and the whole process. Thank you Declan. I hope Carpet Removal Sydney realise what an asset you are to their team. ”
“I attempted a carpet removal job my self in my new office only to realise the job was commercially glued down, needless to say as a I.T nerd i had absolutely no chance of removing it haha. I thought i would give a few companys a call to request a quote on how much the removal process would cost… and my god i was shocked at the overwhelming expense of how much commercial carpet removal costs… I was so relieved though when i stumbled across Carpet Removal Sydney (One of my co-workers recently had their team out to remove carpet in a new house they purchased) and was relieved when i finally found a company that was willing to do it for a fair price. I was a little concerned at the start due to their price being so much lower than all of their competitors, but my co-worker re assured me that they had an amazing team. I was quite relieved when the whole process was over and they had done such an amazing job for almost a third of their competitors prices. Thanks again lads! If you ever need a computer fixed hit me up! ”
“Thanks again for your help guys, I really appreciate you coming so far to do such a small job”
“I always recommend Carpet Removal Sydney when a tenant moves out of one of our properties if the carpet needs to be replaced. They always do an amazing job, leave the property clean and save our clients hundreds and sometimes even thousands.”
“Thanks again boys! really happy with how my shop looks now! i knew ripping out the carpet was the best option, definitely looks a lot better with a clean smooth slab so that i could install a nice hardwood floor”
“Can’t argue with cheapest prices, best customer services, and same day service! very impressed!”
“I had absolutely no idea what to do when we had a pipe burst in our property, but thankfully Carpet Removal Sydney had a 24-hour emergency assistance team that did an absolutely amazing job with the removal of the carpet that had been completely soaked, called them up at 2 am on a Tuesday and they were here within 30minutes. Couldn’t be happier with their services!”
“Excellent service from the team at Carpet Removal Sydney. Will definitely use their services again, was absolutely amazed at how much money I saved going through Carpet Removal Sydney instead of going through Carpet Court.”
“Was completely gobsmacked at the quotes that I got from 3 other company’s on the northern beaches and how outrageously high they were just to remove the carpet in a shop I had recently purchased. So it was such a relief when my friend recommended I try out Carpet Removal Sydney and I ended up saving over $3,000, Thanks again!”
“I was shocked when I had realised that my daughter had spilled my paint set all over my new carpet in my rental property, had no idea what to do, everything I tried failed, gave Carpet Removal Sydney a quick call and they gave me free advice over the phone, with no charge that actually worked! Thank you so much!”
0424 408 330
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