Carpet Removal Sydney Blog
Carpet Removal Sydney offers OVER 100+ different services, including:
– Flooring Removal
– Floor Levelling
– Concrete Grinding
– Concrete Polishing
– Remedial Repairs and More!
View this blog post for a full list of services that we provide at Carpet Removal Sydney
We Will NEVER Be Beaten On Price By Any Business In Sydney!
We Will Always Price Match Or Beat Our Competitor’s Quotes!
Carpet Removal Sydney Offers A Price Beat Guarantee On All Quotes By Up To 10%*
Our Guide To Helping You Understand What Our Dust-Free Service Includes
In This Guide, We Will Go Over What Is And Isn’t Included In Our Dust-Free Service
We Will Answer All Your Questions Here About:
What The Limitations Are Of Our Equipment
And What You Need To Do To Prepare For Our Arrival
Providing Us Sufficient Power For Our Equipment
Did You Know That A Large Range Of Products Throughout Your Property May Contain Asbestos?
Please Read Our Blog Post To See If You Need To Get An Asbestos Test Before We Commence Your Job
Please Keep Our Workers And Your Property Safe From Asbestos Exposure!
It Is Mandatory To Do An Asbestos Test If We Are Removing A Product From Your Property That Possibly Contains Asbestos
In our workplace, we hang a “Silica Dust Warning Sign” to let our clients know that it is not safe to enter this working area while we are Concrete Grinding without wearing the appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
Silica dust is harmful when inhaled into your lungs. As it is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand, you can be breathing it in without knowing.
Breathing in silica dust can also cause other serious diseases, such as:
– Lung Cancer
– Kidney Disease
– Autoimmune Disease, such as Scleroderma
Carpet Removal Sydney jobs under $1,200 will face a “minimum job charge fee” of $1,100
Concrete grinding jobs will face a “minimum job charge fee” of $500 – $2,600
Why do our jobs have a “minimum job charge fee”? Throughout this blog post, we go into detail about why we have minimum job charges.
A minimum job charge is a minimum amount you will bill the customer, applicable when a job is so small that charging per-square metre doesn’t make up for the time spent on the job and administrative overheads of the business.
Through the COVID-19 epidemic, our employees will continue to work in a safe and healthy environment that includes proper sanitation, hand washing, proper use of facemasks and PPE when appropriate as well as social distancing practices recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as those mandated by Health Department Order from the NSW Government.
COVID-19: We are still OPEN and are considered an “essential business”
Paying the team member(s) who traveled to and from your job for their time $300 – $1,250
How Do We Work Out How Much To Charge You For Your Call Out Fee?
30KM = $300
60KM = $550
90KM = $750
120KM = $900
175KM = $1,250
We DO NOT charge a “Call Out Fee” just to simply attend your property, it’s ONLY for clients seeking our services that are over 30KM+ away from our office in Sydney.
Most companies that advertise that they DO NOT charge a “Call Out Fee“, are simply just adding the call-out fee cost to their rates in other areas of the quote without you knowing.
(Thank you for your understanding).
From 16 September 2009, building consultancy work, non-structural flooring work, and mechanical services work is no longer regulated under the Home Building Act in NSW.
This means these types of work are no longer licensed by Fair Trading.
This was in response to the Council of Australian Governments’ commitment to rationalize occupational licensing across Australia to cut red tape.
That particular law doesn’t specifically require you to seek permission to install the flooring system however if, after the installation, it’s found that any noise transmitting from your lot (due to the new flooring system), disturbs your neighbours.
You may be required (by an NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal order) to remove or cover the new flooring system to stop the noise affecting others living in your Strata Scheme.
If your STRATA is refusing to give you approval for your project, you have several options.
Throughout this blog post, we will explain what your options are to force your STRATA into giving you approval for your project.
Is Your STRATA Putting You In Harm’s Way?
Throughout this blog post, we will explain WHY and HOW your STRATA is putting you in harm’s way.
Why Is Floor Preparation Required?
Why Do I Need Concrete Grinding?
Why Do I Need Floor Levelling?
If you “skip” the process of “floor preparation” by not doing Concrete Grinding companies have the right to NOT give you any warranty on the installation of their flooring system that they have installed. So if it fails within 7 days, it’s YOUR issue and not there’s and you will NOT get a refund/free repair/replacement or anything like that.
So you could end up wasting tens of thousands of dollars purchasing and installing your new flooring system, only to have it fail within a short period of time because you chose to skip the Concrete Grinding or floor levelling (also known as floor preparation) process. THIS is why “floor preparation” is so important.
There are some key differences between Concrete Grinding and Concrete Polishing. The terms can be confusing and the equipment used for both services are the same although the result is different. Here we will examine the difference between Concrete Grinding and Concrete Polishing so that you can be as informed as possible when it comes to your job site and make an informed decision on what service you require.
Our Guide To Help Protect Your Home During Our Flooring Removal Services
In This Guide, We Will Go Over What You Should Do To Help Protect Your Home
We Will Answer All Your Questions Here About:
What Should You Do To Protect Areas We Are Not Working In
Job Access & Site Parking
Providing Us Sufficient Power For Our Equipment
Throughout this blog post, we will explain what size generator is required for your job if you cannot provide power on-site or within 30M of the working area
We will explain how much your generator will cost you per day that you hire it
We will explain where to hire your generator from to get the best price
We will explain what size generator powers what type of equipment
What times are residential noise restrictions in place?
What Times Can Your Team Start Work? And When Must They Finish By Law?
How Much Notice Do I Need To Give My Neighbours Before Work?
What Is a site inspection?
Do I need a site inspection?
How much does a site inspection cost?
What does a site inspection provide me?
Will the cost of a site inspection be refunded to me?
All your questions regarding site inspections will be answered in this blog post!
The Cost of Floor Levelling is
($40 – $65 Per Square Metre)* Including GST
These are the factors that we take into account when quoting:
– How many square metres/bags are required
– Access to the site (Stairwell? Lift?)
– What level is the property on?
– The condition of the concrete slab or timber floor
– Minimum Job Size: 50 Square Metres
Are you experiencing unforeseen financial hardship?
Here at Carpet Removal Sydney we understand things can drastically change before your job has been finished and billed for.
We offer payment plans of 1 (one) down payment and 4 (four) re-payments split between 28 days if you are struggling to pay your invoice.
You must contact us to sign the legal payment plan document stating what dates and amounts, you can pay off your debt before proceeding with a payment plan.
The Cost of Concrete Polishing is
($80 – $120 / Per Square Metre)* Including GST
These are the factors that we take into account when quoting:
– The condition of the concrete slab (And if any repairs are required)
– What service is requested (Honed, Grind and Seal, Polished)
– How many square metres are we Concrete Polishing
– Access to the site (Stairwell? Lift? what level?)
– The size of the job (Small, Medium, Large)
Sooner or later, you have to decide when it’s time for your carpet to be replaced.
As you are seeing your carpet every day, it can be hard to notice the little changes over time. (Although they definitely are there!)
So is it time to replace your carpet? and I’m sure you are wondering, what is the cost of doing this?
We’ll explain every cost involved in the process in this article so that there are no surprises!
So, its time for you to begin Removing Magnesite in your home, but you have no idea where to start? and you have only just heard about this material? if you don’t know how to start the process, then you have come to the right place!
Sometimes without realizing that 40 – 100 years have gone past since your property has had its Magnesite inspected for potential damage that its causing to your concrete subfloor and the units structure.
It may be time to remove your magnesite? and I’m sure you are wondering.
What is the cost of Removing Magnesite Flooring throughout the entire process from start to finish?
And who is liable to pay for the cost of removing magnesite, you? or strata?
We’ll explain every cost involved in the process in this article so that there are no surprises!
Sooner or later, you have to decide when it’s time for your tiles to be replaced.
Unfortunately, tiles are fragile, it can simply take just the drop of a plate to smash or chip a tile, after years of accidents, maybe it’s time to think about ripping up your 20-year-old tiles and replacing them with a new flooring system?
So is it time to replace your tiles? and I’m sure you are wondering, what is the cost of doing this?
We’ll explain every cost involved in the process in this article so that there are no surprises!
Sooner or later, you have to decide when it’s time for your slate tiles to be replaced.
Maybe you are seeing your old slate tiles every day, and thinking about updating them to a more modern flooring system.
So is it time to replace your old slate tiles? and I’m sure you are wondering, what is the cost of doing this?
We’ll explain all the costs involved in the process in this article so that there are no surprises!
How does concrete spalling repair work?
What is concrete spalling?
What causes concrete spalling?
What is the cost to grind the concrete?
What is the cost to level the concrete?
All of your questions regarding concrete spalling will be answered here!
So How Do I Repair Concrete Cancer?
Interested In Learning More About How To Repair Concrete Cancer?
In this blog post, we will go over the 8-step process to Repair Concrete Cancer.
Our Concrete Cancer Repair will provide you with the lowest prices possible while maintaining the highest quality work standards and materials!
They’re a part of your home, witnessing everything from the pitter-patter of tiny feet to wine spills, or mud.
However, sooner or later, you have to decide when it’s time for your carpet to be replaced.
So to help you evaluate the state of your flooring, we’ve put together our top things to look out for when deciding if it is time to replace your carpet.
No, Ardit, Ardex, Mapei, Sika, Screeds, and ANY other Floor Levelling product CAN NOT be used on top of Magnesite Flooring. Magnesite Flooring must be removed, the concrete must be ground down and all repairs must be done before re-leveling your floor with any new Floor Levelling product to ensure it does not fail.
Yes, it is possible to level over Floor Tiles. Although it is NEVER recommended to level over Floor Tiles.
Tiles should always be removed first and the subfloor cleaned and prepped before installing a floor levelling agent and a new flooring system.
People who level over floor tiles are simply willing to take a “Gamble” which I never suggest. They attempt to skip the cost of removing the tiles and prepping the floor by levelling over them.
No, a new flooring system cannot be installed on top of Magnesite Flooring. These are just a few of the reasons why it’s never safe to install a new flooring system without removing the Magnesite first:
Covering the issue is not the solution, as MAJOR repairs may be required that could be putting everyone’s safety at risk.
On over 90% of Magnesite Flooring jobs, the customers attempt to install a new Flooring System over the Magnesite Flooring. The flooring system will often fail within 12 months or less.
No, Magnesite Flooring should NEVER be “repaired” or “patch repaired” This is simply delaying the issues that Magnesite Flooring is causing to your property. Repair and Patch Repair jobs should never be performed.
The FULL Magnesite Flooring Removal process should be followed to ensure that your Floor Levelling agent correctly bonds to your concrete. Patch Repair jobs will also often fail and crack within a short period of time.
From start to finish, the process generally takes 4 – 6 days for Magnesite Flooring Removal, Concrete Grinding, Disposal of all Waste, Concrete Cancer Inspections, and Floor Levelling. If Concrete Cancer is found on-site this will increase how long the job will take.
1) Magnesite Flooring Removal will generally be completed in ONE DAY
2) Concrete Grinding will generally be completed in ONE DAY
3) Floor Levelling will generally be completed in ONE – TWO DAYS
4) Concrete Cancer Inspections will generally be completed in ONE DAY
5) Concrete Cancer Repairs + Concrete Crack Repairs will generally be completed in ONE – SEVEN DAYS
6) Installation of Your New Flooring System (This is up to your installation team)
In this blog post, we will explain and show what Magnesite Flooring looks like
Does Magnesite Contain Silica Dust And Is It Dangerous When Exposed Or Disturbed?
Throughout this blog post, we will explain everything you need to know!
Since Magnesite is water-soluble, that means that it will always return to its previous state if it is exposed to enough water. So, what does this mean for homeowners?
The major issue with Magnesite Flooring is that it can cause Concrete Cancer if it is affected by water ingress.
The corrosion causes two issues. First, the steel in the concrete will begin to expand, causing the concrete slab and Magnesite Flooring to crack, bubble, and deliminate and, in turn, the Magnesite Flooring to crack or pop out. Secondly, the concrete slab will lose its structural integrity over time which could lead to the collapse of the slab.
Yes, the unfortunate reality is that often a carpet has been steam cleaned, dozens if not hundreds of times, over the last 30 – 80 years that your Magnesite Flooring has been installed (Depending on the age of the building).
The most common reason for getting the carpet steam cleaned was due to tenants having rented the property, and/or for general “deep cleaning” purposes, as carpet traps various particles over time, even with regular vacuuming and spot cleaning.
Yes, in buildings near the ocean, chlorides from salt water can enter the concrete, even after it is built, and corrode the steel. Due to this being closer to the ocean will rapidly increase how fast your Magnesite Flooring has caused Concrete Cancer throughout your unit.
Yes, Magnesite is considered dangerous to the structure and your health, Magnesite Flooring is made of a chemical named Magnesium Oxychloride, which may contain ASBESTOS material. (It can be extremely dangerous to your long-term health to remove if you don’t take the proper precautions while doing it).
Because it is a structural issue, ignoring it is not an option.
“If you leave it for too long, the bars simply get eaten away, and then structural strengthening has to be undertaken, adding very significantly to the remedial cost,” Mr Marosszeky said. “If you let it go, it can cost more than $1000 per square meter to remediate the problem, so stay alert and get help as soon as you detect any issues.” The cost rapidly increases the longer the Magnesite is installed.
older apartments needed to be aware of the problem. “It’s a looming problem that’s coming towards us at a fast rate at the moment,” he said. There were thousands of buildings built in that era with Magnesite Flooring. This could potentially eclipse the cladding issue.
But because it’s hidden and slow to manifest, it’s not getting a lot of attention.” One of the Magnesite Floor-related jobs in Sydney involved a 64-apartment building where all units were affected Signs of Magnesite Floor damage include cracked tiles, flooring systems failing, and floors that bulge over rusting steel bars.
Magnesite Flooring was a “Floor Levelling” product used from the 1920s – 1980s
It has been commonly used in homes built in the 20s-80s. Just like many other asbestos-containing building materials, it was a useful chemical for a range of materials but unfortunately, time has developed it into a health hazard, as well as a hazard to the building structure as it can cause Concrete Cancer.
Older buildings especially apartments & unit blocks across Sydney that were built between the 1920s all the way up until the 1990s are more than likely to have Magnesite Flooring.
Magnesite Flooring WILL be located in: “Dry Zones” (Bedrooms, Hallways, Lounge rooms)
Magnesite Flooring MAY be located in: “Kitchens” (if it hasn’t been renovated in the last 30-80 years)
Magnesite Flooring is NOT located in “Wet Zones” (Bathrooms, Laundries, Balconies)
The carpet in your home puts up with a lot during its lifetime, With good maintenance, it can handle general wear and tear.
While none of us can avoid accidental spills and stains forever, you can lessen the effect they have on your carpet.
To avoid a carpet cleaning nightmare, here are the most common mistakes to avoid when cleaning carpets, to avoid any further damage.
One of the biggest considerations for pet-owners is finding the right flooring.
Get it right, and you and you’re four-legged companions will be able to co-exist with minimal drama.
Get the choice of carpet wrong, however, and you may spend countless hours trying to revive your once-beautiful surfaces.
Fortunately, the good people at Carpet Removal Sydney are here to guide you towards the best pet-friendly carpet for your home.
Are you wondering how much it costs to have your furniture moved on site while our team removes your flooring system?
Our prices start as low as $40 per room and increase depending on how much furniture is in the room.
Furniture Removalists normally charge a huge amount of money but here at Carpet Removal Sydney, we are happy to do it for a very reasonable and cheap price for our customers!
What is magnesite flooring?
Why is it in my unit block?
Do I need to remove my magnesite flooring?
How much will my magnesite flooring cost to remove?
Will strata pay for my magnesite flooring to be removed?
What Concrete Grinder services do you offer?
What is the cost to grind concrete?
How do you use a Concrete Grinder?
What Concrete Grinders do your team use?
Why do i need my concrete grinded?
Throughout this blog post, we will explain whether or not your job requires a skip bin to be hired
We will explain where to hire your skip bin from to get the best price
We will explain what skip bin is best to choose for the type of flooring system you are removing
We will explain what size skip bin is required for how many square metres of flooring you are removing
Throughout this blog post, we will explain the cost of removing epoxy garage coating
We will explain the cost of removing epoxy from stairs
We will explain the cost of removing epoxy from skirtings
We will explain the costs associated with removing epoxy garage coatings.
Throughout this blog post, we will explain what you need to know about magnesite floors
We will explain the importance of removing magnesite floors
We will explain what magnesite floors are made of
We will explain the show you our Dust-Free team removing magnesite floors
We will explain the reasons why you should remove magnesite floors
Did You Know Magnesite May Contain Asbestos In Your Property In Australia?
Please Read Our Blog Post To See If You Need To Get An Asbestos Test Before We Commence Your Magnesite Flooring Removal Job
Please Keep Our Workers And Your Property Safe From Asbestos Exposure!
It’s Mandatory To Do An Asbestos Test If We Are Removing A Product From Your Property That Possibly Contains Asbestos
So What Is Magnesite? And Why Does It Need To Be Removed?
Magnesite Is A Old Floor Levelling Material Used From The 1920s To The 1980s
Unfortunately, They Did Not Know How Badly It Would Effect Your Concrete Slab Over The Decades It was Laid Down Under Your Flooring Systems, Causing Major Damage To Your Concrete Slab, Which Is Known As “Concrete Cancer”
Magnesite May Also Contain Asbestos! So You Must Have It Tested For Asbestos Before Removal!
Interested In Learning More About How To Repair Concrete Cancer?
In this blog post, we will go over the 8-step process to Repair Concrete Cancer.
Our Concrete Cancer Repair will provide you with the lowest prices possible while maintaining the highest quality work standards and materials!
Interested In Learning More About The Different Types Of Parquet Flooring?
In this blog post, we will go over the 12 different styles/types of Parquet Flooring that we remove.
Our Parquet Flooring Removal team will provide you with the lowest prices possible while maintaining the highest quality work standards and materials!
So Why Does Concrete Polishing Help With Lighting?
Concrete Polishing will provide better light reflectivity, thereby controlling your overall monthly energy usage
Thanks to the gloss, sheen, and light colour of Polished Concrete Floor finishes. These factors can amplify incoming natural light during the day while reducing the need for artificial lighting in the evenings
As there is often less need for heating and cooling systems in your home, Polished Concrete Floors can save you on your energy bill as well!
So Are Polished Concrete Floors Slippery?
Even when wet, Polished Concrete Floors offer significantly higher slip resistance than tile or wood floors.
When installed properly, Polished Concrete Floors reduces slip and fall liabilities and insurance costs for business owners!
Because of their high coefficient of friction, Polished Concrete Floors are 20% to 50% more slip-resistant than the national standard for low-slip floors!
So Are Polished Concrete Floors Cool In Summer?
Yes, because unlike tiles or timber, which have a very small thermal mass, a concrete slab possesses a high thermal mass and its insulation is therefore excellent.
Because concrete absorbs temperatures and releases them slowly if you’ve had the blinds drawn to shade the floor in summer or the air conditioner on, your floors will add coolness to your home.
Conversely, in winter, if you’ve had the sun on the floor or have had a fireplace going or a heater on, your polished concrete floor will retain that warmth and keep you snug throughout the evening and night.
So Are Polished Concrete Floors Good For Asthma Sufferers?
Polished Concrete Floors emit no mould or mildew, are allergy-free, and harbor no dust mites, making them ideal for people with asthma or allergies.
It is a perfect option for any sufferers of asthma and/or allergies, including anyone who is allergic to cats, dogs, pollen, and/or dust mites!
With Polished Concrete Floors, there is simply no place to hold onto these substances. Particularly for those whose asthma is triggered by common allergens like dust and mould!
So Can A Floor Be Polished If My Concrete Slab Has Chips, Holes, or Cracks?
Holes and chips can be filled in with epoxy, polyurethane, or cement depending on the size of the hole or chips.
Our patches can be colour matched to the finish floor so that it is not an eye sore or trip hazard.
From Cracks width and depth to type and cause, the various factor combinations can help determine the best course of action for repair. Understanding the cause of the Cracks is critical to prevent the concrete from cracking again!
So Can I Polish A Floor Levelling Compound?
ARDEX PC-T hardens fast due to its unique self-drying formulation – it can be Polished in as little as 24 hours!
ARDEX PC-T is ideal in areas such as retail stores, schools, airports, lobbies, and all interiors where a Polished Concrete surface is desired!
Installing Slick Mix™ polish-able self-leveling concrete overlay – This self-leveling concrete overlay also known as an SLO can also be polished!
So Can I Steam Mop My Polished Concrete Floors?
NO, A steam mop should never be used on a Polished Concrete Floor!
Nor should you use harsh chemicals such as bleach, citrus products, or oils!
A microfibre mop is all that is required in conjunction with water or a neutral ph cleaner such as GTA Tough Green.
So Can I Use A Grind And Seal In My Gym? It Seems Cheaper.
A Grind and Seal can be used inside a gym, but we wouldn’t recommend a standard Grind and Seal due to the fact that the topical coating runs the risk of getting scratched.
In a gym setting, where high foot traffic and heavy equipment can scratch the floor, we’d recommend our Polished Concrete Floor finish instead.
A Grind and Seal is not a good choice because, in addition to the fact that gym equipment is heavy, it also tends to have sharp edges under the equipment that can mark a floor!
So Can Polished Concrete Floors Be Used Both Inside And Outside?
Yes, Our Polished Concrete Floors are extremely versatile and can be customized to suit a range of requirements and settings.
We can also make your Polished Concrete Floor slip-resistant and UV-resistant thanks to our large range of sealants.
However, please note that we always prefer and recommend Honed Concrete for outdoor spaces, because it feels much better underneath bare feet, lasts longer, and children won’t ‘grate’ their skin on it if they fall!
So Can Polished Concrete Floors Work With Underfloor Heating?
Yes, Polished Concrete Floors can work well with underfloor heating However, it is best to consult a professional before installation.
Concrete has a high thermal mass meaning it will store and distribute heat extremely well, however, caution should be taken to avoid any potential damage.
The correct insulation and thermostat settings need to be in place so that your Polished Concrete Floors do not become too hot and you are able to control the temperature!
So Can You Put Polished Concrete Over Floorboards?
In some cases it is physically possible, however, we always recommend removing the current flooring to expose solid concrete that we can polish
So is it possible to polish concrete over Floorboards? (Yes, but we don’t recommend it and we do not provide the service)
So Is it possible to polish concrete over tiles? (Yes, but we don’t recommend it and we do not provide the service)
So Do I Have To Have My Floor Grouted?
Yes, generally speaking, because unlike tiles or timber, which have a very small thermal mass, a concrete slab possesses a high thermal mass and its insulation is therefore excellent.
When you have a project to polish concrete, you want it to maintain its beauty and shine for as long as possible. In order to do this, grouting the concrete in between polishing pads is a necessary step!
By applying a coating of grout over the concrete, the air is pushed out of the pits and fills them, allowing you to continue the polishing process or apply a coating.
So Do Polished Concrete Floors Stain Easily?
Although Polished Concrete Floors are stain-resistant, they can still stain if spills are not cleaned promptly.
The most common stains we see are fruit juice, wine, vinegar, laundry soaps, and pet stains. These liquids tend to have an extreme pH and can etch the most superficial surface of a floor, requiring repair.
So generally speaking, your Polished Concrete Floor should not get stained easily. But please keep in mind that when spills occur, the more quickly you clean up the spills, the less likely the spills are to stain your floor.
So Do Polished Concrete Floors Require A Lot Of Maintenance?
So Are Polished Concrete Floors Easy To Maintain? Yes, generally speaking, Polished Concrete Floors are relatively easy to maintain.
You just have to dust mop or broom sweep daily to prevent dirt accumulation. You should also damp mop it weekly to remove smudging, scuffs, and watermarks, and restore gloss.
Depending on your Polished Concrete Floor finish, you may have additional maintenance requirements. This depends on which procedure you have done for your floor.
So Do Polished Concrete Floors Work Well With Underfloor Heating Systems?
If you are considering installing Underfloor Heating with a Polishing Concrete Floor, the answer is yes it is possible.
Concrete has a high thermal mass meaning it will store and distribute heat extremely well. Therefore when your underfloor heating system is combined with a Polished Concrete Floor, the thermal mass will retain heat in the floor.
These systems can be used for a full slab in which the surface is Polishing or where a secondary slab is poured and then Polished.
So How Can I Protect My Polished Concrete Floors During Renovations?
It’s always important to cover the floor with a product durable enough to last through the entire construction process.
Ram Board is the most common brand-name product, although there are many similar products sold at specialty construction stores.
We highly recommend that you arrange with your builder to have Ramboard laid 24 hours after your Polished Concrete Floors project is completed for protection.
So How Do I Make My Polished Concrete Floors Slip Resistant?
As a general rule Polished Concrete Floors are slip resistant – but like many other flooring options it will be slippery when wet.
If you need a flooring system that is non-slip we would recommend doing a Grind and Seal or Honed Concrete, as these are slip resistant.
Polished Concrete Floors are still definitely an option that can be used as a slip-resistant floor, in this blog post we will explain the upsides and the downsides of the Polished Concrete Floor’s slip-resistant factor.
So How Long Do Concrete Polishing Floors Last?
Polished Concrete Floors can last up to 10-20 years!
Grind & Sealed Concrete or Honed Concrete will last this long as well, however, will need to be re-sealed every 2-10 years
Because concrete Polishing Floors take an already durable, but porous, material and reduce the porosity of the flooring surface, Concrete Polishing Floors last significantly longer than conventional concrete flooring systems!
So What Is The History Of Concrete Polishing Floors?
The oldest known form of Polished Concrete was discovered in the city of Jericho in 1200 BC.
While Polishing Marble and granite has been ongoing for several decades, Polished Concrete in its current form was discovered by accident in the 1990s
Read more about the history of Polished Concrete Floors by reading this blog post!
So Can You Polish Damaged Concrete Floors?
Damaged concrete floors may require repairs prior to polishing. Fortunately, minor chips, cracks, and surface damage often can be repaired.
In some cases, you may only need a joint filler or caulk to take care of minor cracks. In other cases, you may need a rigid filler or a troweled mortar to repair large areas of the floor.
However, for concrete flooring systems that have sustained substantial damage down to the subfloor, the best option is usually a fresh start with new concrete before Polishing.
So How Long Does It Take To Polish Concrete Floors?
Depending on the area, the level of Polished Concrete, and the obstacles. Polishing Concrete Floors can take upwards of 1 to 4 days.
This depends on if you are having Polishing Concrete Floors done in one big area or many small rooms with tiny areas
We can use big machines in open spaces but we must use small machines such as hand grinders. Polishing Concrete Floors in small areas is a slower process. The total size of your space is another factor to consider.
So How Noisy Is The Polishing Concrete Floors Process?
Typically, the Polishing Concrete Floors process causes minimal noise or disruptions.
The noise levels produced by a Concrete Polisher are FAR lower than items used in the demolition industry (such as JackHammers)
If the team is polishing concrete floors next door, we can still talk on the phone and hear people in the next room of the property without issue, or by standing fairly far away from the dust extractor and concrete polisher.
So How Should I Clean My Polished Concrete Floor?
When mopping polished concrete floors it is important to use the correct cleaning solution.
We recommend Ameripolish® Rejuvenating Floor Cleaner this product is designed for polished concrete floors and will increase stain resistance when used regularly.
Never use cleaners such as Pine-Sol, ammonia, vinegar, or bleach as they will dull, discolor or etch polished concrete and stained concrete floors.
If you are using a wet mop, always use either just hot water or a pH-neutral/pH-balanced cleaning product.
How To Clean Polished Concrete Floors
Using a microfibre mop, you have some choices about the type of edge that you use to wash your polished concrete.
We recommend using a straight-edged microfibre mob as opposed to the edge with the ‘fringes’ along it. This way, you can walk straight ahead while pushing the mop in front of you.
Never use cleaners such as Pine-Sol, ammonia, vinegar, or bleach as they will dull, discolor or etch Polished Concrete Floors and stained concrete floors. Ameripolish Rejuvenating Floor Cleaner is specifically designed for Polished Concrete Floors.
How To Maintain The Shine In Your Polished Concrete Floors.
The level of shine is an option you’ll be given when you choose your preferred level of aggregate (stone) exposure and your preferred level of gloss.
If you have a Polished Concrete Floor that was once high gloss and you’re finding it looking very dull after some years, you may just need a buff to get the gloss back.
Mop with Clean Water & Neutral-PH Floor Cleaner
Polished concrete floors do not require abrasive cleaners or chemicals. In high-traffic areas, where additional cleaners are necessary, an automatic floor scrubber that has been equipped with a clean, non-abrasive pad, should be used.
So Is Concrete Polishing Floors Expensive?
Polishing your concrete flooring is actually one of the most budget-friendly flooring solutions currently available.
Of course, there is an upfront cost, just like with any other flooring, but part of why Concrete Polishing Floors is such an affordable option is because it lasts longer than any other flooring system.
The cost of Honed Concrete may cost up to ($80 / Per Square Metre)
The cost of Grind and Sealed Concrete may cost up to ($100 / Per Square Metre)
The cost of Mechanically Polished Concrete may cost between ($100 – $120 / Per Square Metre)
So Is It Possible To Polish A Concrete Staircase?
Regarding the steps, anything that is not able to be reached with floor machinery is done solely by hand tooling.
While it is possible to Polish stairs, this is highly physical work, and production rates are lower due to the amount of stopping and starting that is required.
The process for Polishing steps is based on a different pricing structure to cover the extensive labour component, meaning it can be extremely expensive.
So Is Polished Concrete Cold In Winter? Is Polished Concrete Warm In Winter?
Polished Concrete Floors are such an excellent insulator that they will help you retain whichever temperature you choose, in any season.
Because concrete absorbs temperatures and releases them slowly if you’ve had the blinds drawn to shade the floor in summer or the air conditioner on, your floors will add coolness to your home or business throughout the evening and night.
Conversely, in winter, if you’ve had the sun on the floor or have had a fireplace going or a heater on, your Polished Concrete Floor will retain that warmth and keep you snug throughout the evening and night.
My Existing Polished Concrete Floor Needs Repairs. Can You help?
Yes, we sure can! Mechanically Polished Concrete Floors can actually be repaired quite easily.
When installed properly, Polished Concrete Floors reduces slip and fall liabilities and insurance costs for business owners!
In some cases, the only way to repair scratches in your Polished Concrete Floors is to regrind and repolish. This means that regrinding will take place to remove the existing Polish.
So Should I Use Polished Concrete If I Have Pets?
Unlike carpeted floors that trap pet dander and fur, Polished Concrete Floors don’t harbor fleas, ticks, or mites that your pet might bring into your house.
Smooth floor surfaces such as Polished Concrete Floors are simply the best flooring option for pet owners. Polished Concrete Floors are the perfect non-toxic solution for pets (and children)
Without the harmful VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) usually found in new carpets, laminates, and some other flooring materials, you can feel confident that from the very beginning, your dog is safe to lick the floor clean of food spills!
So Should Polished Concrete Floors Be Used For Gyms?
Polished Concrete is an ideal flooring option for gyms and other fitness spaces due to its durability, ease of maintenance, and sleek appearance.
Polished Concrete Floors are perfect as a gym floor! Due to Polished Concrete being poured as 32mpa (stronger than a standard mix), before being densified by our Grind and Seal team, the concrete is harder than ever!
Another benefit of Polished Concrete Floors is that they are very hygienic and clean very well, even just using hot water. The aesthetics of a Polished Concrete Floors floor is another factor, making it extremely easy and fast to clean!
So Should Polished Concrete Floors Be Used Outdoors?
No, We Dont Recommend A Polished Concrete Floor Outdoors, As It Can Be Slippery When Wet.
The alternative for these areas is honed concrete. To put it as simply as possible and avoid much controversy let’s begin by saying that Honed Concrete is an outdoor type of floor and Polished Concrete is an indoor floor
it is not uncommon to see photos of glossy outdoor Polished Concrete Floors, some of which are a bit misleading as some water has been left floating on the surface. Outdoor Polished Concrete Floors are dangerous as well as unpractical unless the floor area is mostly covered by a roof
So Should The Standard Grind And Seal Finish Be Ground Back When It’s Time To Refresh The Coating?
If you have your floor refreshed when you first start to notice areas that may look a little worn, a grind-back and reseal are probably all that will be required to refresh your floor.
However, if you leave it until the topical sealers have worn through to the concrete, then your floor may require a full regrind, re-grout, and reseal, due to having left it too long.
The long-term outcome is that although it is a reasonably durable finish because the sealer is a coating. Like any topical coating, it will wear away over time and eventually will require a re-grind and then resealing after approximately 5 – 7 years.
So What Colour Polished Concrete Can I Have?
If you want to polish the concrete of an existing slab then you are usually limited to whatever is already in the concrete.
Our only real option, if you don’t like the colour or the cement and aggregate, is to put a colour dye over the top.
If you are pouring a new slab, then you can indeed choose the colour of the aggregate (stone), sand and cement. Keep in mind that Colour mixes are generally more expensive than standard grey mixes.
So What Is Mechanically Polished Concrete?
Mechanically Polished Concrete (MPC) is a process that takes abrasives (diamonds) and mechanically places scratches in the concrete.
This scratching process continues, using finer grit abrasives to remove and replace the scratches with smaller and smaller micro scratches.
The objective is to refine the floor and take away the small scratches so that you see a reflection on the floor. This process is used with a chemical that helps densify the floor to its maximum hardness.
So When Is The Best Time To Polish Concrete If I Have A New Slab?
We recommend that you get in touch with us as soon as you can. We like to give the Concrete approximately 28 days to cure.
The curing period is very important to develop both the strength and durability of the concrete. it has a sufficient level of moisture to keep it from drying out, better volume stability, and increased resistance to thawing, freezing, abrasion, and scaling
The curing process cannot be rushed — especially in Sydney, with its varied weather. If anyone tries to polish concrete before the 28-day curing period has elapsed, it’s possible to damage the slab when grinding or to instantly achieve a much fuller exposure than you would like.
So When Is The Best Time To Polish Concrete If I Have An Old Or Existing Slab Or Im Renovating?
The best time is after the removal of carpet, tiles, timber, vinyl, or other existing floor covering or coating.
After the Demolition and Concrete Grinding side of the job has been completed. We can then proceed to the Concrete Polishing Floors process.
A concrete floor can be polished after the demolition process and covered with a protective board or after new walls are built towards the end of construction. The critical factors for concrete polishing during a remodel are the availability of power, lights, water, and other essentials.
So Where Is Polished Concrete Used?
– Supermarkets
– Schools & University
– Offices
– Retail and Shopping centres
– Hospital and Medical Facilities
– Cool Rooms
– Kitchens
– Hospital Venues
– Bars and Pubs
– Gyms
– Showrooms
– Cafes and Restaurants
– Workshops
– Factories
– Storage Facilities
– Residential Properties
– Commercial Properties
– Industrial Properties
So Why Does Our Concrete Polishing Floors Team Wait 28 Days?
It’s best to wait 28 days as it’s possible to damage the slab when grinding as you may instantly achieve a much fuller exposure than you would like.
We prefer to wait 28 days because that is how long it takes for the concrete to cure properly.
We want to ensure we give your floor the very best, cleanest, and sharpest finish possible, and it is essential to give concrete the full 4 weeks to cure.
So Why Does The Slab Need 28 Days To Cure Before Concrete Polishing?
If you start Concrete Floor Polishing too early it’s possible to damage the slab when grinding or to instantly achieve a much fuller exposure than you would like.
As a general rule, the concrete should be cured for 28 days before we actually arrive to Polish your Concrete Floors. Then we can do the Concrete Polishing all at once, or in 2 stages.
It’s much better for everyone if we come in after the frame is up, but before the skirting and plaster gets done. The 28-day standard comes from decades of testing that’s determined concrete achieves 99% of its strength in 28 days
So Is Honed Concrete Or Polished Concrete Better For Outside Areas?
For outdoor flooring projects, we recommend using Honed Concrete due to its durability, affordability, and slip resistance.
Honed Concrete is ideal for driveways, outdoor areas, concrete around your pool, etc. Polished Concrete is not as suitable for these outside areas.
Honed Concrete feels satiny under bare feet yet is also non-slip, no matter how wet the surface. This will help you ensure that your pool area is safe and not too slippery but also feels comfortable under your toes.
So Are Lights Good For Polished Concrete Floors?
Absolutely — Just like a fresh coat of white paint it will lighten the walls and the room.
If you choose Polished Concrete Floors be ready to have very good lighting inside. The smooth and shiny surface will absorb the light and illuminate the rooms by 30%
Thanks to their gloss and sheen, light-colored Polished Concrete Floors can amplify incoming natural light during the day while reducing the need for artificial lighting in the evenings.
Concrete Grinding vs Shot Blasting
Shot Blasting Concrete and Concrete Grinding are both methods used to prepare floors.
Shot Blasting is often significantly faster than Concrete Grinding in situations where both could be used.
Shot Blasting is a great way to prepare concrete floors for the application of line marking (to ensure the paint has a rough surface to adhere to) or to remove unwanted line markings!
So What Does MPA Mean In Concrete?
A megapascal (MPa) is a measure of the compressive strength of concrete.
It lets inspectors know how much pressure can be applied to the concrete before it cracks or fails.
Concrete is measured by its strength capacity. MPa (megapascals) is the metric measurement for psi or pounds per square inch. The BC Building Codes require a minimum MPa for specific concrete projects.
So What Does Our After Work Cleaning Service Include?
In this blog post, we will go over what cleaning services we DO provide and what cleaning services we DO NOT provide.
We will always try our hardest to give our clients as close to a 99.999% Dust-Free experience as possible!
It should be noted that we use high-powered HEPA commercial dust extractors connected to our demolition and concrete grinding equipment to deliver you as close to a dust-free job as possible.
So How Much Does It Cost To Repair Concrete Cancer In Sydney?
Our team performs an on-site inspection and provides a free quote for the Concrete Cancer Repairs.
We will examine the site and identify what’s causing the Concrete Cancer, where it’s located, and how we can repair it.
Our team will then proceed with repairing all areas affected by Concrete Cancer, we always ensure that we re-coat the steel so that the issue does not reoccur.
So What Flooring Removal and Concrete Grinding Equipment Do We Use?
At Carpet Removal Sydney we use a large range of Flooring Removal and Concrete Grinding equipment from all of the best brands possible.
At Carpet Removal Sydney we make sure that we always provide a Dust-Free Flooring Removal and Concrete Grinding experience to avoid contaminating the area with dangerous silica dust.
Want to learn more? In this blog post, we will go into depth about all of the reasons why Dust-Free Flooring Removal and Concrete Grinding services are so important.
So Why Is Surface Preparation Required?
Surface preparation is the essential first stage of treatment of a steel substrate before the application of any coating.
Surface Preparation is generally accepted as being the most important factor affecting the total success of a corrosion protection system.
The purpose of surface preparation is to: Remove all friable and weak parts from the surface. Remove cement laitance. Remove dirt, oils, waxes, curing compounds, etc.
So What Are Separate Circuits? and Why Do I Need Them?
Dedicated circuits are necessary to prevent dangerous overloads.
Dangerous overloads could cause the wiring to overheat and the circuit to trip repeatedly, which could result in an electrical fire.
The purpose of dedicated circuits is to ensure high-power appliances have access to adequate amperage so they can operate safely without forcing a circuit breaker to trip.
So Can You Damage Polished Concrete Floors?
Yes, but it is very hard! — It is very difficult to damage and is nearly impossible to chip or scratch a Polished Concrete Floor
A properly installed, sealed, and maintained Polished Concrete Floor can be expected to last a hundred years or more in even the harshest commercial environments.
It is essential to clean any materials off your Polished Concrete Floor immediately to avoid staining. There are specific cleaning products and chemicals that you can use to help with certain stains.
So Are Polished Concrete Floors Waterproof?
Absolutely — Polished Concrete Floors are resistant to moisture.
This makes the Polished Concrete Floor waterproof and makes it last longer. This is why Polished Concrete Floors are famous in regions that experience rain often.
Having waterproof concrete is more than a safety issue. Long-term exposure to moisture can cause several types of problems. Polished Concrete Floors will be watertight so no water penetrates into the concrete.
So What Are Exposed Aggregate Polished Concrete Floors?
Can I Expose Aggregate In My Concrete Floors? — Yes
Aggregates are combined into the concrete mix upon pouring the concrete slab. Exposed aggregate is generally 3mm underneath the concrete.
“Exposed aggregate” refers to the process of uncovering the aggregate, or the large stones or other material, that is mixed in with the concrete. Exposing it makes the surface more textured, and it creates a different look than the typical.
So Will Polished Concrete Floors Crack?
Unfortunately, Yes — Keep in mind that all concrete floors will crack, whether Polished, coated, or untreated.
Polished Concrete Floors are more susceptible to cracking. Concrete floors can crack due to various reasons, such as:
– Temperature fluctuations
– Poor installation
– Excessive weight or pressure on the surface
– Poor Drainage
– Soil Movement
– Improper Curing
– Thermal Stress
So What Sealer Is Best For Polished Concrete Floors?
Most jobs use a water-based sealant. The water-based sealers make them very effective in a large range of different situations.
Their nano-sized polymers penetrate deep into the substrate and form an acrylic co-polymer matrix throughout the top layers of the concrete.
There are a large number of different options though, so this is just one of the options that is commonly used. This question is best answered by our team, who will provide their expert opinion.
So Can You Polish A Floor Levelling Compound?
Yes, There Are A Few Options When It Comes To Polishing A Floor Levelling Compound.
ARDEX PC-T hardens fast due to its unique self-drying formulation – it can be Polished in as little as 24 hours.
Installing Slick Mix™ polish-able self-leveling concrete overlay – This self-leveling concrete overlay also known as an SLO can also be polished.
So Can I Pick The Aggregate Of My Polished Concrete Floors?
Yes, If you are laying down a new concrete slab, you can choose the colour and there are plenty of aggregate colours.
Keep in mind that Colour mixes are generally more expensive than standard grey mixes. You are able to choose different stones and aggregates for a unique finish.
At Concrete Polishing Floors Sydney, we do not pour concrete, but if you have the budget for a colour mix and want a specific colour for your polished concrete, let us know and we will be happy to discuss where you can find available options around the Sydney areas.
So What Floor Levelling Products Should Be Used?
ARDEX Australia has a range of Floor Levelling compounds suitable for internal and external use.
Whether you are looking to level and smooth internal sub-floors prior to the installation of finished flooring, looking for a rapid drying Levelling compound, or self-levelling concrete, ARDEX has you covered.
Our team uses a large range of Floor Levelling and Floor Priming products for every situation required.
Our two most commonly used Ardex Floor levelling Compounds are:
Ardex K 900 BF – (90 MM) – Pumpable Floor Levelling Compound
Ardex Feather Finish – (0.1 mm) – (3 MM) – Feather Finish Floor Leveler
So Can You Pour Multiple Layers Of Floor Levelling Compounds On Top Of Each Other?
Yes, it is possible to pour multiple layers of Floor Levelling products on top of each other.
Shortly after the layer has dried, you must prime the dried layer before pouring the second layer.
You must ensure you are buying the correct product and following the manufacturer’s guidelines throughout this process.
So How Thick Can You Pour A Floor Levelling Product?
How thick you can Floor Levelling products depends on the specific product used.
Often 1mm – 50mm is the maximum thickness. Although products such as Ardex K 900 BF can be applied at a thickness of 90mm.
It is also possible after you finish pouring and drying the first layer, to re-prime and apply a second layer to reach a maximum thickness of 120mm.
So How Does Floor Levelling Help With Pipes, Cables, And Drains?
Floor Levelling products can be used when installing pipes or cables beneath the ground.
They allow workers to accurately map out where elements should go without digging too deep into the earth.
Floor Levelling also helps mark the regions for earthworks, such as drainage trenches in Australia or other countries worldwide.
So What Is A Liquid Screed?
Liquid (or flow) screed has overtaken classic sand and cement screed to become a fairly standard flooring product.
It’s a thick liquid mix that’s applied by pouring or pumping from a mixing truck straight onto the area of (usually) concrete to be covered.
Liquid Screeds are designed to provide a smooth, level surface prior to the application of floor finishes or to be polished, ideal for both commercial and domestic buildings
So Why Is Floor Levelling Required?
Floor Levelling is often required if there are any high/low spots/holes that need to be filled prior to installing your new flooring system.
We highly recommend Floor Levelling the uneven subfloor before installing any type of floor covering. Getting your Floor leveled is an important first step in any flooring installation process
A level subfloor is an important factor to help your flooring last longer and keep the finish attractive, feel level underfoot, does not pop up, crack or fail within a short period of time. While also following the guidelines of the manufacturers to ensure you receive your warranty.
So Why Is It Dangerous To Skip Floor Levelling?
If your subfloor is not level, it can lead to flooring systems failing within a short period of time.
you will also not receive your warranty, and often no company will take on these jobs. Almost all flooring systems have guidelines that must be followed to correctly install the flooring system.
It is far cheaper to prepare your subfloor correctly the first time before the installation of a new flooring system rather than skipping the process and purchasing your flooring system and installing it, only to have it fail within a short period of time.
So Can You Use Floor Levelling Products On Timber And Concrete?
Yes, there are Floor Levelling products available for both Concrete AND Timber subfloors
ARDITEX NA – This product has enhanced flexibility, it is particularly suitable for installation over timber and concrete subfloors.
ARDEX K65 – This product can be applied to timber substrates and can normally be walked on after approximately 2 hours at 23°C. Floor Coverings such as Carpet & Vinyl.
So What Is A Feather Coat?
A Standard Feather Coat is a thin layer of leveling compound that is 0.1mm – 3mm thick and troweled over the entire floor to ensure a smooth finish.
ARDEX Feather Finish is designed specifically for very thin smoothing applications typically 1mm thick or less, but may be used up to 3mm thick in one application.
ARDEX Feather Finish is a cement-based smoothing compound designed to provide a smooth, permanent finish to a variety of internal substrates prior to the installation of floor coverings such as vinyl, carpet, and ceramic tile.
So Should I Get My Floors Leveled?
Concrete passes all of the tests for durability and load capability. But over time, little things might cause it to sag or not be level.
When it comes to construction projects accurate leveling can ensure that floors are perfectly straight and true-to-level. Floor Leveling also ensures that the flooring system built on top won’t suffer instability issues later on.
Floor Levelling creates can easily create smooth, flat, and even surfaces within a day. It can dry really quickly and offers greater compressive strength. This is one of the reasons why concrete surfaces are considered one of the best. They are durable, strong, and long-lasting.
So How Does Floor Levelling Work?
Floor Levelling is a method used to measure levels or points on an area or surface. For example, it’s used to determine height differences between two points.
usually with the help of a laser level. laser level displays varying heights by reflecting a beam off a laser receiver. There is also the option of using a spirit leveler (the longer, the better) and laying it on the floor. Look to see whether the bubble is central.
The process is then followed up by the use of a concrete grinder to reduce the size of bumps (high spots) in concrete slabs and using a Floor Leveling compound to fill in the low areas. This is done primarily to prepare the slab for laying floor coverings with minimal tolerances.
So Why Do You Need Your Floors Leveled?
Floor Levelling may be required as over time concrete can become damaged due to the movement of the concrete substrate
Other factors such as excessive wear and tear and environmental exposure etc. Concrete Cancer can also develop leaving major issues in your concrete that will require repairs.
Floor Levelling also improves a floor’s appearance and creates an even surface to walk on allowing you to install your flooring system as directed by the manufacturer’s guidelines.
So Why is Floor Leveling Important?
Concrete passes all of the tests for durability and load capability. But over time, little things might cause it to sag or not be level.
Construction projects require accurate leveling that can ensure that floors are perfectly straight and true to level. Floor Leveling also ensures that foundations are laid properly and evenly, so any flooring system built on top won’t suffer instability issues later on.
Floor Levelling creates can easily create smooth, flat, and even surfaces within a day. It can dry really quickly and offers greater compressive strength. This is one of the reasons why concrete surfaces are considered one of the best. They are durable, strong, and long-lasting.
So Why Do I Need Leveling?
Many concrete slabs have a variance of height exceeding the maximum recommended tolerance.
New concrete slabs are laid to Australian standards which specify a 10mm maximum tolerance within any room and a 20mm maximum tolerance over the entire building footprint.
This makes Floor Levelling an important key to your renovation project as many concrete slabs have a variance of height exceeding the maximum recommended tolerance for laying a large range of flooring systems.
So Do All Flooring Systems Need To Be Leveled Before Installation?
We highly recommend Floor Levelling your subfloor before installing any type of floor cover.
The best option for slightly uneven subfloors is using a Floor Levelling agent such as Ardit or Ardex.
Whether engineered wood flooring, tile, hardwood, laminate, or vinyl, that floor cover needs to be installed on top of a level subfloor to ensure you get your warranty and manufacturer’s guarantee.
So Can You Install Carpet On Uneven Floors?
One way to install flooring on uneven floors is to choose a type of flooring that is naturally flexible.
This makes carpet one of the most ideal options: it’s cheap, easy to install, and very attractive. For only slightly uneven flooring.
Laying carpet on top of concrete or uneven boards often requires a good-quality underlay that insulates against dampness and heat loss.
So Is Floor Levelling Required For Installing Floating Floorboards?
Whilst underlay is necessary for all floating floors, they were never designed to substitute for Floor Levelling.
However, as a general rule of thumb, the subfloor should be flat to within 3mm over a 2-meter radius. If the subfloor is not level.
It may be necessary to prepare it before installing the floating floor. This can involve using a leveling compound or self-leveling screed to even out any high or low spots.
So Why Do I Need My Floors Leveled Before Installing Tiles?
Floor leveling ensures all the tiles will lay flat during installation, making the tile job smooth and well-bonded to the subfloor.
Also, it’s important to plan the layout of the tile floor to avoid making design mistakes, such as a diagonal line running along the wall that should be parallel.
When it comes to tiles It is absolutely essential that the subfloor is completely level. The floor must be flat within 1/8” in 10′ when measured from the high points of the floor.
So Why Do I Need My Floors Leveled Before Installing Vinyl?
To ensure a smooth surface for your new flooring, you’ll need to level out any uneven areas in the existing subfloor by filling them in with a self-leveling compound.
Vinyl will suffer from surface imperfections or a poor aesthetic appearance if the floor below is not perfectly smooth and level. A flat and level floor is key so that the adjoining vinyl plank flooring doesn’t have varying heights.
A flat and level floor is key so that the adjoining vinyl plank flooring doesn’t have varying heights. Whether you’ll be installing your Luxury Vinyl Flooring product over wood, tile, or concrete, the different types of subfloors require different types of preparation.
So Why Do I Need My Floors Leveled Before Installing Hardwood Flooring?
If you are ready to upgrade the floor coverings in your home, or even if you are installing them for the first time, it is vitally important that the subfloor be level, smooth, and free from blemishes.
This subfloor layer must be stable, solid, flat, and level. If the subfloor is uneven, with dips, ripples, or waves, this irregularity will be telescoped through to the surface floor covering and can even cause the flooring installation to fail.
A Level Hardwood Floor Requires A Level Subfloor. Along with the natural beauty, it’s why we choose it for our floors. Imperfections in the subfloor will transfer to the finished floor in the form of dips, humps, or separated edges. They can be a dangerous tripping hazard and make the finished floor look bad.
So Why Do I Need My Floors Leveled Before Installing Laminate Flooring?
Laminate flooring on an uneven floor will cause many problems.
One of the major problems is loud pops and cracks that will eventually surface when you walk across due to pockets of air beneath the surface as a result of the uneven subfloor.
While laminate tends to be more forgiving of subfloor imperfections compared to other types of flooring, it is still important to level your flooring to avoid future damage and to ensure you get your manufactures warranty.
So What Is A Traditional Screed?
A Traditional Floor Screed consists of cement and sharp sand, but where a more industrial version is required, coarse aggregates.
Also known as Sand and Cement Screed or Dry Floor Screed. Suitable for all applications that are to receive a floor finish, Traditional Screed is a cost-effective choice for floor leveling.
Traditional floor screeds are most commonly used to provide a sturdy, level foundation for a decorative floor covering of your choice. Although many people choose to cover the screed with carpets, wooden flooring, and tiles, it can also be left bare – acting as a final floor finish.
So What Is A Underfloor Heating System?
Underfloor Heating Systems work by distributing a lower temperature of warm water through a circuit of pipes beneath the finished floor.
Concrete has a high thermal mass meaning it will store and distribute heat extremely well. Heat is monitored and controlled by intelligent thermostats to maintain a consistent temperature.
There is no doubt that underfloor heating provides the safest, cleanest, and most luxurious heat available. It is hidden away and does not impede the design of a room or house. Simply pure luxurious warmth.
Magnesite Flooring Removal – Who Pays?
As of 2023, The Following Rules Apply:
– If Your Strata Have NOT Changed The By-Law They Are Liable To Pay For:
– Magnesite Flooring Removal
– Concrete Grinding
– Disposal of all Waste
– Concrete Cancer Repairs
– If Your Strata HAS Already Changed The By-Laws They Are Only Liable To Pay For:
– Concrete Cancer Repairs
– It should be noted that it is always the customer’s responsibility to pay for Floor Levelling as well as the removal of any flooring systems above the magnesite such as carpet.
Magnesite Flooring is “Common Property” so is your concrete subfloor. Your Strata is required by law in NSW to pay for the removal of your Magnesite UNLESS the By-Law has been changed.
So Does Magnesite Have To Be Removed Before You Install A New Flooring System?
Yes, Magnesite must always be removed and the concrete should always be inspected for any potential Concrete Cancer.
– Magnesite Flooring Removal
Concrete Cancer MUST be repaired for the safety of everyone in the unit block. After the Magnesite Flooring has been removed we grind down any remaining Magnesite residue to allow us to assess if the concrete slab is safe and free from any potential Concrete Cancer Repairs.
Magnesite Flooring can make things extremely difficult as it is no longer considered a suitable material to use a floor leveling compound on or install a new flooring system on. The best thing is to get your Magnesite Flooring professionally removed before replacing it with a more substantial, sturdy surface such as an Ardex coating.
So Why Old Pipes And Electrical Cables May Accidentally Get Damaged?
View our blog to learn more about pipe and electrical cable depth.
– Magnesite Flooring Removal
Pipe Work
– Pipes may be embedded in your concrete slab. However, the slab thickness must be increased by 25mm.
Electrical Cables
– Electrical Cables may be embedded in your concrete slab. However, the slab thickness must be increased by 50mm.
So What Are The Different Types Of Concrete Polishing Services?
1. Honed Concrete
2. Grind and Sealed Concrete
3. Mechanically Polished Concrete
– Non-exposed Aggregate (No Exposure)
– Salt and Pepper Finish (Medium Exposure)
– Full Aggregate Exposure (Full Exposure)
1. Honed Concrete ($80 / Per Square Metre)*
2. Grind and Sealed Concrete ($100 / Per Square Metre)*
3. Mechanically Polished Concrete ($120 / Per Square Metre)*
So How Do You Grind Faster Using A Concrete Grinder?
Low Grit Diamonds
Lower number of Segments
Softer Matrix
So What Are The Power Requirements For Your Concrete Grinder?
– 10 AMP Power Cable (Your standard Australian power cable used for most household appliances, they are also used to power handheld and low power 240v walk behind Concrete Grinders)
– 15 AMP Power Cable (This cable looks like a 10 AMP power cable but the bottom pin is larger. 15 AMP power cables are used to power mid-range Concrete Grinders that require power sources over 240v)
– Three-Phase Power Cables (This is a heavy-duty large 4-spike cable used to power heavy-duty commercial Concrete Grinders)
So What Does MPA For Concrete Grinding Mean?
A “Mohs Hardness Test Kit” can be used to also test the MPA of the concrete slab
– We recommend starting with a hard bond diamond and see if the grinding is quick enough.
– If too slow or not cutting at all, change to a soft bond but check the wear on the diamond after 10 mins or to make sure it’s not wearing too quickly.
So How Do You Pick The Right Diamond For Your Concrete Grinder?
Diamond tooling selection is crucial for making a profit and not going backward on a job as diamond discs and plugs are extremely expensive. Using the wrong disc/plug for the job could cost you thousands! When selecting your diamond disc/plug you need to understand the following information:
A SOFT bond diamond disc or plug is more aggressive, but it will wear out quickly, especially on soft concrete!
A HARD bond diamond disc or plug will wear slowly, but it will cut faster on soft concrete.
With SOFT concrete – We use a HARD bond diamond disc or plug.
With HARD concrete – We use SOFT bond diamond discs or plugs.
So What Does Grit Mean In The Concrete Grinding Industry?
One critical factor in achieving a successful concrete grinding job is choosing the right diamond grit size. Diamond grit size refers to the size of the diamond particles embedded in the grinding tools. It plays a crucial role in determining the efficiency, speed, and quality of the grinding process.
(Low Grit Number) – Are for faster prep work and for removal of coatings.
(High Grit Number) – Are for smoothing, polishing, and final touch-ups
Concrete Grinding And How Much Can A Grinder Remove
Regarding how many MM can be taken off, please follow the guide below:
Concrete Grinding – Residential – (3MM MAX)
Concrete Grinding – Commercial – (6MM MAX)
Coating Removal – (6MM MAX)
Bump Removal – (8MM MAX)
Coating Removal – Double Layer – (12MM MAX)
So What Do You Need To Know About Concrete Grinding
Concrete Grinding is extensively used because the concrete beneath your old flooring system can be rough, and uneven
Making installing various flooring on top of it difficult or impossible without the new floor failing.
It is extremely important to remove any adhesive previously laid on the floor as well as make it clean, level, and smooth before you reinstall a new flooring system to make sure that your new flooring system is installed correctly.
So What Is Concrete Grinding Used For?
Concrete Grinders are commonly used to level off a slab, remove paints, glues, epoxies, stains, and other coatings from concrete in order to prepare for new floor coverings, coatings, or polish concrete surfaces to perfection.
Concrete Grinding is important prior to almost any flooring system being installed (apart from the carpet) floorboards, tiles, vinyl, lino, slate, epoxy, paint, waterproofing membranes, parquet, floor leveling agents, etc. being installed. will all require Concrete Grinding prior to installation.
For warehouses or homes concrete is the ultimate flooring option. We’ve spoken about the benefits for the home and for the kids, but concrete floors are also an ideal surface for warehouses. Grinding concrete ensures that the floors are in perfect working condition. It ensures not only the longevity of the floor but also its durability given the high-traffic nature of a warehouse.
So What Is A Concrete Grinder?
A Concrete Grinder can come in many configurations, the most common being a hand-held Hand Grinder or hand-held Angle Grinder
There are also small, medium, and large walk-behind Concrete Grinders for tackling larger projects, there is even riding on Concrete Grinders for industrial projects.
All concrete grinders use some sort of abrasive to grind or polish such as diamond tools or silicon carbide. The diamond tools used for grinding most commonly are diamond grinding cup wheels, other machines may use diamond segments, mounted on various plates, slide-on diamond grinding shoes, and for polishing are usually circular Resin diamond polishing pads.
So How Much Does Concrete Grinding Cost?
($10 – $90 / Per Square Metre)* Including GST
These are the factors that we take into account when quoting:
– Access to the site (Stairwell? Lift?)
– How many MM may need to be ground down
– How many square metres require Concrete Grinding
– What level is the property on? (Access to the property)
– What service is required (General Grind? Coating Removal?)
– The condition of the concrete slab that requires Concrete Grinding
So How Does Concrete Grinding Work?
Concrete Grinding is usually carried out by large floor grinding machines that have diamond-encrusted cup wheels installed on a spinning disc
These diamonds make contact with the concrete at high speeds and gradually grind down the concrete. There are many different types of diamond cup wheels, which will have various effects.
Generally, cup wheels are measured in grits. The higher the grit ratio the finer finish it will leave on the concrete. For a more polished effect, a cup wheel with a high grit ratio would be used.
So How Much Does Vinyl Flooring Removal Cost?
$9 – $19 per square metre to remove vinyl tiles, vinyl planks, or vinyl sheets that were glued to the floor.
$9 – $19 per square metre to remove LAYER #1 + $10 per square metre to remove any additional layers.
$35 per square metre to remove vinyl that has underlay. Such as masonite, chipboard, MDF, etc.
So How Do You Repair Cracked Concrete?
Concrete patching is the best practice for fixing the bigger and wider cracks in concrete.
For the patching works, engineers use the concrete patching compound. Using a concrete seal or a particular liquid filler often repaired the smaller cracks, which are no bigger than 1/4 inch
Repair specialists normally mix the patching compounds with water and use them with a trowel. They have a touch like grout and can be flattened and textured to mix with the adjacent part. However, the colour of the patch may seem to be new concrete and will not match the old part. Hiding the patch fully requires painting the surface with an appropriate paint of the concrete.
So Why Do You Need To Be Careful Removing Your Old Carpet?
Carpets installed from the 1920s – 1990s may have Brown Hessian Asbestos Underlays
Staple guns were the old method used to install carpets from the 1920s – 1990s carpets installed after the 1990s will always be installed with smoothedge and not staple guns.
staple guns were phased out after the 1990s, as well as asbestos underlays. It’s extremely important that you know if the carpet is indeed staple gunned or not. If it is, there will be a “Brown Hessian Underlay” underneath the carpet. This must be sent to a lab such as AIRSAFE.NET.AU to test if it contains asbestos.
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What Is A DMCA Takedown Request?
Why Do We Submit DMCA Takedown Requests?
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Read This Blog Post For Answers To ALL Of The Above Questions!
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Yes, there are Floor Levelling products available for both Concrete AND Timber subfloors.
Here at Floor Levelling Sydney, we specialise in both Floor Levelling on Timber and Concrete subfloors.
Read our blog post for more information!
Smoothedge, also known as “Tack Strips” are a pinned timber edging strip that holds the stretched carpet to provide a smooth edge at perimeter walls, for use on both concrete or timber subfloors.
Smoothedge instantly grips the carpet and allows for immediate stretching.
– Jobs over 30KM away from Carpet Removal Sydney may have to pay a $0 – $150 call-out fee
– Jobs over 60KM away from Carpet Removal Sydney may have to pay a $300 call-out fee
– Jobs over 90KM away from Carpet Removal Sydney may have to pay a $400 call-out fee
– Jobs over 120KM away from Carpet Removal Sydney may have to pay a $500 call-out fee
– Jobs 150KM – 175KM away from Carpet Removal Sydney may have to pay a $700 call-out fee
Staple guns were the old method used to install carpets from the 1920s – 1990s, carpets installed after the 1990s will always be installed with smoothedge and not staple guns, as staple guns were phased out after this period, as well as asbestos underlays.
It’s vital to know if the carpet is indeed staple gunned. If it is, there will be a “Brown Hessian Underlay” underneath the carpet. This must be sent to a lab such as AIRSAFE.NET.AU to test if it contains ASBESTOS.
At Carpet Removal Sydney, we are open:
There are some key differences between Concrete Grinding and Floor Sanding. The terms can be confusing, here we will examine the difference between Concrete Grinding and Floor Sanding so that you can be as informed as possible when it comes to your job site and make an informed decision on what service you require.
Throughout this blog post, we will explain in depth the different installation methods used to install carpet.
Check out this blog post to see what equipment we use during the Magnesite Flooring Removal process.
Throughout this blog post, we will explain why you should ALWAYS remove Magnesite Flooring.
In this blog post we will explain what “Magnesite Removal” is.
In this blog post, we will explain What WERE The Benefits Of Magnesite Flooring And Why Was It Used In NSW.
In this blog post, we will explain if Vinyl Flooring or Lino Flooring may contain ASBESTOS.
Short Answer: Yes, you can level over tiles, although:
It is NEVER recommended to level over tiles.
No, Ardit, Ardex, Mapei, Sika, Screeds, and ANY other Floor Levelling product CAN NOT be used on top of Magnesite Flooring. Magnesite Flooring must be removed, the concrete must be ground down and all repairs must be done before re-leveling your floor with any new Floor Levelling product to ensure it does not fail
When it comes to tools for Concrete Grinding, you should stick to two options for small jobs or DIY work. Hand Grinders or Walk Behind Concrete Grinders should be used. While on commercial jobs we use a much larger range of equipment.
Ride-On Concrete Grinders:
Ride-on Concrete Grinders are simply the easiest and best way to Grind Concrete. Although this equipment is best left up to the professionals to use. Leaving the Concrete Grinding project up to the professionals is simply the fastest way to finish your Concrete Grinding project.
Yes, Concrete Grinding should always occur before the installation of a new Coating or Flooring System. The appropriate Floor Preparation before installing the new Coating or Flooring System system is also required.
Concrete Grinders are commonly used to level off a slab, remove paints, glues, epoxies, stains, and other coatings from concrete in order to prepare for new floor coverings, coatings, or polish concrete surfaces to perfection. Concrete grinding provides good adhesion for new flooring systems, coating or toppings.
At Concrete Grinding Sydney what most people don’t know is that we can Grind any Concrete surface to prepare it for not only polished concrete but for any alternative flooring system or new floor coating.
Most people don’t understand the difference between Concrete Grinding and Concrete Polishing and therefore don’t see the benefits of Grinding Concrete. We’ll take you through the process!